Are You Ready to Travel as a Couple?
Will your couples trip end in romance or ruin?
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Are You Ready to Travel as a Couple?
Will your couples trip end in romance or ruin?
How long have you been with your partner?
< 1 year
1- 2 years
2-5 years
5+ years
1 / 12
What's your travel planning style?
I like to plan everything out in advance
I mostly like to wing it and be spontaneous
I'm somewhere in the middle
2 / 12
What's your partner's planning style?
They are spontaneous, just like me
They like to plan things out, just like me
They are spontaneous, the opposite of me
They are a planner, the opposite of me
I have no idea
3 / 12
How similar are your energy styles?
I'm energetic and active, and so is my partner
I'm energetic and active, but my partner is more laid back
I'm laid back, but my partner is energetic and active
I'm laid back, and so is my partner
I'm not sure.
4 / 12
What's your travel style?
I like to be busy and have a full itinerary of sites and activities.
I like a real vacation: give me a drink and a pool to lay near.
I like a mix of adventure and relaxation on my trip. Let's do both!
I like museums, culture, and history when I travel.
I am all about traveling for the FOOD.
5 / 12
What's your partners travel style?
The same or similar to mine. We share similar energy levels, interests, and goals.
The opposite of mine. We have a hard time agreeing on things to do or see.
Different than mine, but we're ok with doing things on our own during a couples trip.
I have no idea.
6 / 12
What do you expect for your next/first couples trip?
It will be absolutely perfect.
It will be great, but not without challenges.
It will be fairly challenging and stressful.
I'm not sure what to expect.
7 / 12
How do you handle stress?
I'm great at managing stress.
Stress gets to me, but I handle it pretty well.
I get anxious and/or irritable.
I cannot handle stress.
Stress? I never get stressed.
8 / 12
How well does your partner handle stress?
They are great at managing stress.
Stress gets to them, but they handle it pretty well.
They get anxious and/or irritable.
They cannot handle stress.
They never get stressed!
9 / 12
How many times have you traveled together before?
A couple
4-10 times
10+ times
10 / 12
How good are you and your partner at resolving conflicts?
We are conflict resolution experts.
We argue but we know how to cool down and work out a solution.
We are still figuring out how to resolve some of our issues.
We fight frequently, and have a hard time resolving the conflict.
We haven't had any fights yet.
11 / 12
Are you and your partner on the same page about money?
We both are good with money and good at sticking to a budget.
One or both of us has a budgeting or spending issue.
We argue frequently about money.
We have never discussed money.
12 / 12
You're totally ready!
The two of you make a great team, and traveling together should be a wonderful experience! It's likely you've already taken a few trips as a couple. Now a longer-term, bigger trip could be wonderful.
You know what makes the other person tick, you've handled some challenges together, and you are ready to make beautiful memories across the world. Go plan your next romantic getaway!
Go ahead and book a short trip together!
You might not be ready for a round-the-world jaunt, but you and your partner should certainly give a quick weekend getaway a try. This is the perfect opportunity to test the waters of couples travel and see how you do on a short vacation together. If you want to challenge yourselves a little more, try for a road trip or a trip somewhere where you don't speak the language.
Spend more time together first
Chances are good that you could be great travel buddies. But it sounds like you may need to spend more time together first before going away on a trip. You can stay close to home and seek out new adventures. Try having unique experiences together. If these go well, a successful trip could definitely be in the works!
Travel with caution
Something indicates that you're not ready to travel as a couple with your current partner. This doesn't mean that you'll never make great travel buddies, but it might mean that you have some work to do on your relationship first. A strong, loving relationship can help make traveling together far more fun and stress-free.
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