What is your child's personality animal?

This assessment is taken by adults/parents for children between the ages of 5 - 18 and will take approximately 15-20 minutes. 

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What is your child's personality animal?

This assessment is taken by adults/parents for children between the ages of 5 - 18 and will take approximately 15-20 minutes. 

Take assessment

Which family member is this for?

Parent / Caregiver 1


Parent / Caregiver 2


Child 1


Child 2


Child 3


Child 4


Child 5


1 / 39

With a new experience, does your child initially... 



Jump in?


I don't know


2 / 39

If you read your child a story, would they be more likely to...

notice and remember specifics?


connect themes in the story to other things?


I don't know


3 / 39

Which would your child tend to be more concerned with?





I don't know


4 / 39

Would your child rather... 

Explore and go with the flow?


Have a plan and know what to expect?


I don't know


5 / 39

Which would your child rather engage in?

Activities around them.


Their inner world of ideas and creativity.


I don't know


6 / 39

When following a set of instructions, does your child...

Go through each step sequentially?


Ditch the instructions and freestyle?


I don't know


7 / 39

What kinds of teachers does your child tend to gravitate towards?

Fair and consistent


Loving and kind


I don't know


8 / 39

When it comes to homework does your child get it done...

at the last minute?


right away?


I don't know


9 / 39

Does your child prefer to play with...

one friend at a time?


multiple friends at the same time?


I don't know


10 / 39

Does your child tend to...

dream about what they could be someday?


talk about what they can do now?


I don't know


11 / 39

If classmate Johnny was caught cheating on a test, how would your child suggest he be disciplined? Should Johnny be taught...

by given a consequence?


by being talked to?


I don't know


12 / 39

Does your child tend to...

Start a new project before completing their current one?


Finish a project before starting a new one?


I don't know


13 / 39

Does your child prefer to work on projects...

with others input and help?


by themselves?


I don't know


14 / 39

Does your child...

notice details around them?


tend to not notice the details?


I don't know


15 / 39

Which word would your child choose?





I don't know


16 / 39

If you promised your child ice cream after their to-do list was complete, how would they complete it?

systematically? i.e., first 1, then 2, then 3


randomly? i.e., - 2, 5, 1, Squirrel!


I don't know


17 / 39

When processing information, does your child tend to...

talk things out with others?


think things through? (or maybe even write!)


I don't know


18 / 39

Does your child think...





I don't know


19 / 39

If your child witnessed another child being bullied, what would their initial reaction be?

React to the injustice and confront the bully.


React to the victim to see if they are okay.


I don't know


20 / 39

When it comes to organizing, does your child...

put things away where they can find them?


leave things out where they can find them?


I don't know


21 / 39

Does your child have...

a few close friends?


lots of friends?


I don't know


22 / 39

While painting, would your child prefer to be given a...

paint by number? 


blank canvas?


I don't know


23 / 39

If your child sees a conflicted person, would they tend to...

try to make them feel happy?


try to solve their problem?


I don't know


24 / 39

Does your child...

enjoy knowing the plan?


enjoy the spontaneity of making up the plan as they go?


I don't know


25 / 39

Choose the option that best describes your child.





I don't know


26 / 39

If you changed all the family photos in your living room, would your child notice right away?





I don't know


27 / 39

Which does your child prefer?

Non-fiction books?


Fiction books?


I don't know


28 / 39

Does your child tend to make decisions





I don't know


29 / 39

Choose the option that best describes your child.

Stop and think


Go and do


I don't know


30 / 39

Does your child tend to...



be present in their surroundings?


I don't know


31 / 39

Does your child tend to...

Shake out the rug and work through the problems?


Sweep problems under the rug?


I don't know


32 / 39

Which would your child choose?



Close enough


I don't know


33 / 39

If you took your child to a toy store and let them choose any toy they wanted, would they...

choose quickly?


choose carefully?


I don't know


34 / 39

Choose the option that best describes your child.



Soft spoken


I don't know


35 / 39

When building legos, does your child prefer to...

build their own creation?


follow the building instructions? 


I don't know


36 / 39

If your child is upset with a friend would they...

be direct and talk to their friend?


keep their feelings to themselves?


I don't know


37 / 39

When playing a board game does your child prefer to...

do their own thing?


follow the rules?


I don't know


38 / 39

When under pressure does your child tend to...

power through?


get frazzled?


I don't know


39 / 39

IS*J Beaver

Your child has similar characteristics to a Beaver. Which is awesome! Our world needs Beavers! Their preferred environment is scheduled, organized and practical. They're happiest when working alone. Life is serious business for these literal "Master Builder's" of the world.

IN*J - Panda

Your child has similar characteristics to a Panda. Which is awesome! Our world needs Pandas. Their preferred environment is private with quiet solitude. They're happiest when they are alone, inside their unique and creative inner world. Life is wonderful when they have autonomy and recognized as a unique individual who is intellectually wise.

I*TP - Owl

Your child has similar characteristics to a Owl. Which is awesome! Our world needs Owls! They prefer a private environment where they can observe others and act on their own time. They are curious, smart and have a hunger for adventure. They're happiest with hands-on experiences that allow them to master challenging situations.

I*FP - Meerkat

ES*P - Otter

Your child has similar characteristics to an Otter. Which is awesome! Our world needs Otters! They want to do everything in a BIG way and have lots of energy. They prefer an uninhibited natural environment where they can be playful and spontaneous yet are extremely aware of their surroundings. Otters are practical, love variety and have a unique appreciation for beauty. They're extremely social, energetic and happiest when kept busy. They love to be the center of attention and view life as one big party!

EN*P - Parrot

Your child has similar characteristics to a Parrot. Which is awesome! Our world needs Parrots! They prefer a social environment which welcomes intellectual conversations and views all criticism as instrumental. They are curious, loyal skeptics that won't hesitate to question anything and everything. They're happiest when seeking new challenges and showing off their intellectual talents.

EF*J - Elephant

Your child has similar characteristics to an Elephant. Which is awesome! Our world needs Elephants. They prefer to live harmoniously with others in a close, nurturing environment. Life is for wholehearted living - cultivating supportive, loyal and genuine relationships.

E*TJ - Border Collie

Your child has similar characteristics to a Border Collie. Which is awesome! Our world needs Border Collie's! “Collie” is the Scottish Gaelic word for “Useful.” They prefer an environment where they use their intelligence, lead others and are kept active. They're happiest when everyone is playing by the rules. Their motto in life is work hard, play hard.

Uh Oh! We don't know!

The 'I don't know' option was selected too many times. For the most accurate results, try to find out your kiddo's preference. Maybe ask them some of the questions?

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