What is Your Communication Style?

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What is Your Communication Style?

Wondering what communication style is?


At a large social gathering, you are most likely to:

Interact with many different people, strangers included.


Talk one-on-one mostly with people you already know.


Use the opportunity to make important contacts.


Leave as soon as it is polite to do so.


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When you first arrive at a meeting you are usually:

A bit late and try to sneak in the back without being noticed.


Purposely a bit late, you like to get there when things have started happening already.


Arrive right on time and feel impatient if the meeting starts late.


Arrive early so that you can be ready and organized when the meeting starts.


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Of these four personality traits, you consider your strongest to be:









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The statement that most closely describes you is:

Sensible and frugal.


Rational and quick-witted.


Sensitive and reliable.


Creative and fiery.


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What appeals to you the most:

Taking action on a calculated risk.


Creating harmonious human relationships.


Discovering the secret behind a complex mystery.


Going to an exciting social event.


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New and non-routine actions with others:

Usually stimulates and energizes you.


Revitalizes you, if you have a special connection with someone in the process.


Taxes your reserves, and you aren't afraid the let people know it.


Taxes your reserves, so you quietly slip away when no one is watching.


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When doing group projects, which part of the process is most important to you?

Creating relationships with people.


Sorting out who is playing what role in the project.


Organizing the way the project is done.


Making sure the process of doing it is fun and exciting.


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Which description fits you best?

Hard working and ambitious.


Animated and gregarious.


Focused and efficient.


Cooperative and gentle.


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Most of the time when working, you prefer:

To do your job quietly on your own.


To be an integral part of a team working together.


To influence the team in new and creative directions.


To be the leader and structure-maker for the team.


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Which is more admirable?

The ability to organize and be methodical.


The ability to take charge in a chaotic situation.


The ability to motivate others to succeed.


The ability to make people feel comfortable and included.


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In terms of comedy, I most closely identity with people who can:

Tell a heartwarming, funny story.


Tell a good joke.


Create great characters through movement, voice, costume, etc.


Tell a witty one-liner, pun or wordplay


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If a conflict arises between a friend and I, my first reaction is to:

Make sure they understand my position on things.


Make sure the relationship doesn't get damaged.


Avoid the person for a while.


Find a compromise, where we both get at least part of what we want.


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This communication style is driven by two things: the need to get thing done and the need to control. They are most comfortable in settings where they manage others and take control of situations. Fast-paced and goal-oriented, Directors are focused on bottom-line results and achieving success. This go-getter mentality makes them innate leaders, but it also means they can come across as impatient and insensitive.

How to Communicate with a Director
- Be clear, brief, fast, and precise. Be well-prepared to provide solutions to their problems.
- Skip the small talk and get down to business.
- Highlight key points. Avoid going into too much detail.
- Find out their goals and provide options with clear costs and benefits.
- Supply concrete data to back up claims of progress. Show how goals have been obtained.


Most people love socializers. They are fun to be around, always make others laugh, and they thrive on being the center of attention. Charismatic and energetic, they always want to be where the action is. They are eternal optimists who are good at selling others on their vision and goals. Although their enthusiasm and charm make them influential people, as leaders, they can sometimes be impulsive decision-makers who take risks without verifying information. They listen to their intuition--which can be a good thing--and what their "gut" is telling them. On the downside, they have short attention spans, and they find it hard to be alone.

How to Communicate with a Socializer
- Take time to build a relationship and socialize with them.
- Create a fun, lively atmosphere with new and diverse elements.
- Help them make a list of priorities, but try to skip the unimportant details and boring material.
- After a meeting, be clear about who is going to do what and by when. Put everything down in writing.
- Make them look good in front of others. Be slow to criticize them. Instead, motivate them with praise.


This communication style is very analytical and geared toward problem-solving. Methodical and detail-oriented, Thinkers are usually slow decision-makers who are very deliberate about the choices they make. Before taking a specific route, they do their homework by weighing pros and cons and looking at problems from every angle. Their high expectations of others and themselves can make them come across as overly critical and pessimistic. They are perfectionists by nature and can easily fall into the trap of "analysis paralysis." Since they tend to be skeptical, they usually want to see promises in writing.

How to Communicate with a Thinker
- Avoid too much small talk and socializing.
- Go slow and give them time and space to think things through.
- Be well-prepared to answer their questions thoroughly with precise data.
- Put everything down in writing.
- Make good on your promises.


Of the four communication styles, this one is the most people-oriented. Relators are warm, nurturing individuals who value interpersonal relationships above all other things. They are very loyal employees, devoted friends and excellent team players. Peacemakers by nature, they often avoid conflicts and confrontations. They are also ideal team players since they are always willing to build networks and share responsibilities. Like Thinkers, they are thorough planners and highly risk-averse. They value reliability, balance and sincerity.

How to Communicate with a Relator
- Be patient and show sincere interest in them as a person.
- Build a relationship and learn more about their personal lives before getting down to business.
- Reduce their fears by clearly explaining how a certain change will benefit them and those around them.
- Be predictable and follow through with your stated promises.
- Be warm and inviting. Focus on their feelings.
- Don't ever push them into a corner to get what you need.

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