What is your Human Design type?

Take this short, fun, and informative quiz to learn about what drives your decision-making, fuels your career life, and helps you live your most inspired and aligned life based on your Human Design type.

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What is your Human Design type?

Take this short, fun, and informative quiz to learn about what drives your decision-making, fuels your career life, and helps you live your most inspired and aligned life based on your Human Design type.

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Ahhh, the end of a work day! You can kick back and relax after a long day. How do you want to feel?    

Accomplished. Like I’ve really worked as hard as I can towards a goal!


Peaceful. Like I know I’ve taken the necessary actions and everything is in its right place.


Energized. I feel tired a lot of the time, so I really just want to feel like I have some left in the tank.


Like we’re on the right track and moving in the right direction come Q3.


1 / 10

 How would your friends describe your personality in 3 words? 

Mystical. Intuitive. Observant.


Dedicated. Hardworking. Focused.


Visionary. Creative. Assertive.


Innovative. Leader. Wise.


2 / 10

 When life isn’t turning out the way you want, you tend to feel… 

Frustrated. It’s like nothing I do seems to work out!


Angry. Do I have to do everything myself in this life?


Bitter and resentful. I see the way things can be, and when they don’t go that way I can get a bad taste in my mouth.


Disappointment and sadness. Things can get pretty gloom and doom in my world when I feel off.


3 / 10

How important is it for you to know your own unique blueprint?  

The most important! I’m obsessed with personality tests and love nothing more than knowing how I can be more successful.


Semi-important. Astrology’s great and all, but you have to take it all with a grain of salt!


Not important at all. I’m only doing this because I’m on a first date and she’s making me do it.


I’m on the fence! I think it’s important to know yourself and how you operate, BUT life is also about what you make it.


4 / 10

Which of the following traits do you REALLY resonate with?

Observant. I’ve always walked through life as a fly on the wall. You can find me watching and listening and rarely am I the life of the party.


Intuitive. I feel like I can see things before they’re actually happening. Almost a little bit psychic, if I may.


Assertive. I know what I want and I know how to make it happen. The trick is, finding the right circumstances and people that will help me get there.


Motivated. I work hard and I know how to get a job done from start to finish.


5 / 10

 Your authentic code signifies your most aligned state. How important is it for you to live an authentic life?

That question is subjective. Sometimes, you have to fake it til you make it. Not everything good in life comes from being yourself.


I wholeheartedly believe authenticity is the key to a successful life! I want to know myself fully so I can live in alignment with my true self.


An authentic what? I’m just here for the birth chart stuff.


Makes no difference to me. I can get ahead being what other people want me to be. So long as I’m getting what I want.


6 / 10

What is your main focus when it comes to your career?  

That I do a good job and feel recognized for it. I take pride in my work and want to know that it’s making a difference.


I need to reach my potential. I have so many goals and visions and it’s important to me that they come to fruition.


That I do things I like! I will wait for the right opportunity before I make a move, especially if it’s going to impact how I feel.


That I create change and make a difference in the world at large.


7 / 10

 Which one of these feelings would most likely grant you a sick day? 

Burnout. I go hard and I go fast and tend to burn the candle at both ends.


Fatigue. I don’t have a huge window of tolerance and find that I can work in small spurts, but then need a ton of rest.


Needing some space for my mental health. I tend to work harder and longer than I need to, and in environments that I’ve outgrown. It starts to weigh on my mental health.


Energetic overload. I take on other people’s stuff way too easily. Sometimes I just need a break to recharge my reserves.


8 / 10

Which of the following statements best describes your personal needs? 

I need deep rest and to have uninterrupted creative time.


I am driven by purpose and need work that lights me up.


I thrive on alone time and need to be invited to things.


I need to understand the world, other people and myself.


9 / 10

Which image would you say best describes you on an off day?









10 / 10

Your human design is…The Manifestor 

You’re the firestarter, the leader, the one to get the ball rolling. You, my friend, are none other than a Manifestor!

If you feel like a total outcast 90% of the time, that makes sense — manifestors make up less than 10% of the human population, making you and your role in this world a pretty exceptional one.

The role of a manifestor is to initiate. You’re the first one to raise your hand and you are the one with the gumption and guts to bring your ideas to life. You may not always know the roadmap and all of the supporting details, but one thing is clear: when you have an idea, you act, and you act fast!

At your very best, your signature energy is peaceful and tranquil. You are solid in your knowing that everything is in its right place and you’re living life by your rules.

Your strategy is to inform and delegate. Walking through life as a pioneer and visionary, your duty is to attract the people, places, and circumstances that bring your vision to life.

But beware, my powerful friend — when the manifestor has a burst of energy, they go hard and they go fast. Meaning that burnout can be creeping around just about any corner - at any time. As a manifestor, you need to be receptive to rest and know your limits as you play within it.

A hot tip for you? Trust that it is already happening and that the work is done. It can be tempting for you to want to take the lead on, well, everything. But it’s important that you know when to take your hands off the wheel. Trust that other people want to show up to support your vision and that they can handle the details (sometimes even better than you can!)


✨ A 3 Step Guide to Working With Human Design ✨

1. Get to know your “not-self”

You hear it all the time — endless cliches about “living your best life” and “aligning to your dream life”. But what about getting to know the darker, less alluring sides of yourself?

It’s clear that in the world of self-development and spirituality these days, over-indulgence in the positive and by-passing the negative is becoming the norm.

Truth be told, no one ever discovered their wholeness by avoiding the aspects of self that feel a little less than squeaky clean. You’ve got to get to know all the dingy, dark corners before you can live in the light, my friend!

In the world of Human Design, we refer to these lower frequencies as the “not-self” feelings. You know the ones — that feeling you get when you just know something is not right in your world. Maybe it’s frustration, anger, bitterness or apathy. Whatever the case may be, these feelings (when embraced) are the perfect guidepost into knowing how to get yourself back on track to feeling funky fresh and in full alignment with the flow of life.

You’ve got to feel it to heal it! Take some time to get to know the parts of you that feel icky, offputting, and “not you” in your best form. Sit with them, write a 5 minute journal about them, own them so that those feelings no longer own you!

2. Quit “shoulding” yourself!

Okay, so you know your Human Design type — now what?!

You may think that now that you have the perfect roadmap to life, you’d be crazy to fudge that up! You basically have a guidebook to living your best life - a foolproof way to live life authentically and at peace with who you are.

What could possibly go wrong, right? Wrong.

You’re still a human, and a multi-dimensional one, at that! Just because you know your quirks and driving forces on a deeper level now, doesn’t give you grounds to “should” yourself all over the place and put yourself into a box you can’t get out of.

Know that you’re so human. Give yourself permission to fluctuate in your design and don’t punish yourself if you get an urge to do things differently than your Projector profile tells you to.

3. Get back to being you

Feeling a little less than aligned, these days? A little less sparkle and a lot drabber than you’re used to?

The best medicine, put simply is this: get back to being YOU.

Human Design is a guideline to living a life that is soul-filling, authentic, and aligned to your truest bluest self. And anyone can tell you that the first order of business in getting there is to do things that completely light you up.

If you’re feeling the dark cloud of defeat coming in, or spending a little too much time in your “not-self” theme, it’s time to get back to doing the things that make your heart sing a little louder.

A quick fix to getting back on track? Make a list of the simple things that bring you joy. An afternoon spent inside curled up with a good book. A creative project you can dive into for hours on end. Stay close to the things that make you feel alive and you’ll be back on track in no time!

Looking take your design up a notch with our HD Roadmap Course? Use the code "MYHUMANDESIGN" for 15% off your purchase! Who doesn’t love a good deal?

<< Click here to discover your full Human Design Chart >>

 Your human design type is…The Generator 

Action is the name of the game, my friend! Based on your results, your unique blueprint in life is run by that of a Generator.

The generators are the move makers, the action takers and the ones who get it done!

Your role in this life is to take a vision and turn it into a reality. You’re the one on the ground, creating civilization through forward-moving action. Generators make up a whopping 70% of the population, and for good reason — we need your hardworking hands and dedicated spirits to bring forth change and progression in the world.

You could say that your purpose here is a big one! Without Generators, mankind would seize to exist and nothing would get done.

And while you love nothing more than a good project to keep your spirits high, you need to watch where you’re placing your hard working energy. As an action-loving Generator, waiting to respond could easily feel like a death sentence to you. But it’s vital that you wait for the right moment before you go taking on projects that will straight up burn you out.

The key to your peace and feelings of alignment? Inspired action! There will never be a shortage of opportunities for you to jump on, but next time you feel that people-pleasing kneejerk reaction, ask yourself: “Is this contributing to my life or taking from it?”

Moving from inspiration will take you from burnout to satisfaction quicker than you can say “action!”


✨ A 3 Step Guide to Working With Human Design ✨

1. Get to know your “not-self”

You hear it all the time — endless cliches about “living your best life” and “aligning to your dream life”. But what about getting to know the darker, less alluring sides of yourself?

It’s clear that in the world of self-development and spirituality these days, over-indulgence in the positive and by-passing the negative is becoming the norm.

Truth be told, no one ever discovered their wholeness by avoiding the aspects of self that feel a little less than squeaky clean. You’ve got to get to know all the dingy, dark corners before you can live in the light, my friend!

In the world of Human Design, we refer to these lower frequencies as the “not-self” feelings. You know the ones — that feeling you get when you just know something is not right in your world. Maybe it’s frustration, anger, bitterness or apathy. Whatever the case may be, these feelings (when embraced) are the perfect guidepost into knowing how to get yourself back on track to feeling funky fresh and in full alignment with the flow of life.

You’ve got to feel it to heal it! Take some time to get to know the parts of you that feel icky, offputting, and “not you” in your best form. Sit with them, write a 5 minute journal about them, own them so that those feelings no longer own you!

2. Quit “shoulding” yourself!

Okay, so you know your Human Design type — now what?!

You may think that now that you have the perfect roadmap to life, you’d be crazy to fudge that up! You basically have a guidebook to living your best life - a foolproof way to live life authentically and at peace with who you are.

What could possibly go wrong, right? Wrong.

You’re still a human, and a multi-dimensional one, at that! Just because you know your quirks and driving forces on a deeper level now, doesn’t give you grounds to “should” yourself all over the place and put yourself into a box you can’t get out of.

Know that you’re so human. Give yourself permission to fluctuate in your design and don’t punish yourself if you get an urge to do things differently than your Projector profile tells you to.

3. Get back to being you

Feeling a little less than aligned, these days? A little less sparkle and a lot drabber than you’re used to?

The best medicine, put simply is this: get back to being YOU.

Human Design is a guideline to living a life that is soul-filling, authentic, and aligned to your truest bluest self. And anyone can tell you that the first order of business in getting there is to do things that completely light you up.

If you’re feeling the dark cloud of defeat coming in, or spending a little too much time in your “not-self” theme, it’s time to get back to doing the things that make your heart sing a little louder.

A quick fix to getting back on track? Make a list of the simple things that bring you joy. An afternoon spent inside curled up with a good book. A creative project you can dive into for hours on end. Stay close to the things that make you feel alive and you’ll be back on track in no time!

Looking take your design up a notch with our HD Roadmap Course? Use the code "MYHUMANDESIGN" for 15% off your purchase! Who doesn’t love a good deal?

<< Click here to discover your full Human Design Chart >>

 Your human design type is…The Reflector    

No wonder you feel otherworldly, my friend! Your human design type is the Reflector.

As a Reflector, you likely walk through life feeling dangerously close to an alien. If you spent most of your childhood wondering why the lunar phases affect you so deeply and if anyone else can see auras as clearly as you can, this is going to make it all make sense.

Reflectors make up 1% of the population (yes, you read that right, 1%.) Meaning that your role here on earth sticks out like a sore thumb. This, at times, can leave you feeling like the proverbial fly on the wall.

But as much as you may feel like an outcast, your journey is an important one. A Reflector's primary role is to reflect back to the people and places around them. Another person will always see aspects of themselves in a reflector, making you a powerful catalyst for change, innovation and growth.

Because your energy is so unique, people get a sort of mystical feeling just by being around you. Your job here is not to manifest, take action or build, but it is to watch and observe. You can see and sense things that most people can’t, making you incredibly apt in finding the holes in a project, or the prime area of opportunity.

Because you naturally reflect the world around you, a hot tip for you is to look before you leap! Take your time to receive all of the information around you before you make an informed decision about life. You’ll be grateful that you did.


✨ A 3 Step Guide to Working With Human Design ✨

1. Get to know your “not-self”

You hear it all the time — endless cliches about “living your best life” and “aligning to your dream life”. But what about getting to know the darker, less alluring sides of yourself?

It’s clear that in the world of self-development and spirituality these days, over-indulgence in the positive and by-passing the negative is becoming the norm.

Truth be told, no one ever discovered their wholeness by avoiding the aspects of self that feel a little less than squeaky clean. You’ve got to get to know all the dingy, dark corners before you can live in the light, my friend!

In the world of Human Design, we refer to these lower frequencies as the “not-self” feelings. You know the ones — that feeling you get when you just know something is not right in your world. Maybe it’s frustration, anger, bitterness or apathy. Whatever the case may be, these feelings (when embraced) are the perfect guidepost into knowing how to get yourself back on track to feeling funky fresh and in full alignment with the flow of life.

You’ve got to feel it to heal it! Take some time to get to know the parts of you that feel icky, offputting, and “not you” in your best form. Sit with them, write a 5 minute journal about them, own them so that those feelings no longer own you!

2. Quit “shoulding” yourself!

Okay, so you know your Human Design type — now what?!

You may think that now that you have the perfect roadmap to life, you’d be crazy to fudge that up! You basically have a guidebook to living your best life - a foolproof way to live life authentically and at peace with who you are.

What could possibly go wrong, right? Wrong.

You’re still a human, and a multi-dimensional one, at that! Just because you know your quirks and driving forces on a deeper level now, doesn’t give you grounds to “should” yourself all over the place and put yourself into a box you can’t get out of.

Know that you’re so human. Give yourself permission to fluctuate in your design and don’t punish yourself if you get an urge to do things differently than your Projector profile tells you to.

3. Get back to being you

Feeling a little less than aligned, these days? A little less sparkle and a lot drabber than you’re used to?

The best medicine, put simply is this: get back to being YOU.

Human Design is a guideline to living a life that is soul-filling, authentic, and aligned to your truest bluest self. And anyone can tell you that the first order of business in getting there is to do things that completely light you up.

If you’re feeling the dark cloud of defeat coming in, or spending a little too much time in your “not-self” theme, it’s time to get back to doing the things that make your heart sing a little louder.

A quick fix to getting back on track? Make a list of the simple things that bring you joy. An afternoon spent inside curled up with a good book. A creative project you can dive into for hours on end. Stay close to the things that make you feel alive and you’ll be back on track in no time!

Looking take your design up a notch with our HD Roadmap Course? Use the code "MYHUMANDESIGN" for 15% off your purchase! Who doesn’t love a good deal?

<< Click here to discover your full Human Design Chart >>

Your human design type is…The Projector  

I don’t suppose you’re an Aquarius, are you!? Based on your results, your unique life path is that of the Projector!

Similar to the pioneer like qualities of the Aquarius, Projectors are considered our guides here on the earth plane.

Making up 17-21% of the population, a Projector is here to guide civilization into new, improved and more efficient ways of doing things.

As a Projector, you are often always one step ahead, seeing potential failures and successes that no one else quite can yet. At work, we can probably find you acting as a manager, CEO or some other role where you are directing the work, rather than executing.

At your best, you hold a clear sight and can see people and things as they truly are. You have a unique way of seeing concepts and systems clearly and the potential they hold to be bigger and better.

Your crux? All of that energy you use to steer the ship runs dry pretty fast!

A Projector’s energy is known to come in ebbs and flows and doesn’t stick around for too long. Your best strategy in life is to wait for the invitation into a new project and endeavor, rather than taking life by the horns. Use the rest of your time to rest and recalibrate, knowing that your next time to shine is just around the corner.


✨ A 3 Step Guide to Working With Human Design ✨

1. Get to know your “not-self”

You hear it all the time — endless cliches about “living your best life” and “aligning to your dream life”. But what about getting to know the darker, less alluring sides of yourself?

It’s clear that in the world of self-development and spirituality these days, over-indulgence in the positive and by-passing the negative is becoming the norm.

Truth be told, no one ever discovered their wholeness by avoiding the aspects of self that feel a little less than squeaky clean. You’ve got to get to know all the dingy, dark corners before you can live in the light, my friend!

In the world of Human Design, we refer to these lower frequencies as the “not-self” feelings. You know the ones — that feeling you get when you just know something is not right in your world. Maybe it’s frustration, anger, bitterness or apathy. Whatever the case may be, these feelings (when embraced) are the perfect guidepost into knowing how to get yourself back on track to feeling funky fresh and in full alignment with the flow of life.

You’ve got to feel it to heal it! Take some time to get to know the parts of you that feel icky, offputting, and “not you” in your best form. Sit with them, write a 5 minute journal about them, own them so that those feelings no longer own you!

2. Quit “shoulding” yourself!

Okay, so you know your Human Design type — now what?!

You may think that now that you have the perfect roadmap to life, you’d be crazy to fudge that up! You basically have a guidebook to living your best life - a foolproof way to live life authentically and at peace with who you are.

What could possibly go wrong, right? Wrong.

You’re still a human, and a multi-dimensional one, at that! Just because you know your quirks and driving forces on a deeper level now, doesn’t give you grounds to “should” yourself all over the place and put yourself into a box you can’t get out of.

Know that you’re so human. Give yourself permission to fluctuate in your design and don’t punish yourself if you get an urge to do things differently than your Projector profile tells you to.

3. Get back to being you

Feeling a little less than aligned, these days? A little less sparkle and a lot drabber than you’re used to?

The best medicine, put simply is this: get back to being YOU.

Human Design is a guideline to living a life that is soul-filling, authentic, and aligned to your truest bluest self. And anyone can tell you that the first order of business in getting there is to do things that completely light you up.

If you’re feeling the dark cloud of defeat coming in, or spending a little too much time in your “not-self” theme, it’s time to get back to doing the things that make your heart sing a little louder.

A quick fix to getting back on track? Make a list of the simple things that bring you joy. An afternoon spent inside curled up with a good book. A creative project you can dive into for hours on end. Stay close to the things that make you feel alive and you’ll be back on track in no time!

Looking take your design up a notch with our HD Roadmap Course? Use the code "MYHUMANDESIGN" for 15% off your purchase! Who doesn’t love a good deal?

<< Click here to discover your full Human Design Chart >>

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