What’s your abundant love archetype?
Take this four-minute quiz to reveal your love strengths + weaknesses. And find your forever match...
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Quiz Transcript
What’s your abundant love archetype?
Take this four-minute quiz to reveal your love strengths + weaknesses. And find your forever match...
What date is a big YES for you?
"Oh look, here we are celebrating our 7th anniversary…”
Ain’t nothing better than getting my dance on with all of my friends AND going home with my bestie SO
Ommmmm… I love it when my partner meets me where I am and tries new things!
"I love you so much, I would literally jump out of a plane for you."
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You go visit a psychic and she tells you that she sees you living your dream life five years from now. What does she see?
I’m still with the same partner and we’ve built a beautiful home together. With a garden! O.K., a balcony herb garden, but you get the point.
I’m active in my community and totally supported by my partner. We spend a lot of time together, but I get to be myself with my friends too.
My partner and I are travelling together, visiting ruins and temples. We get along super well. Chatting and laughing up a storm, but totally capable of holding long silences in peace.
My partner and I are killing it in our careers so we’ve got the means to travel… Maybe a road trip up the coast line — and I’m driving.
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How close are you with your momma?
She’s literally my best friend — I call her every day!
She says I can be a bit hard to talk to…
I’m basically her unpaid therapist.
We’re sort of distant. I'm not a big fan of oversharing...
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How picky are you with potential matches?
Kinda? I just want someone who makes me feel safe.
I need a good-looking partner. Super intelligent and confident, too.
I want someone I can talk to super openly.
A little choosey—I want someone smart but not over-the-top about it.
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What’s your dream romantic vacay?
Our own cabana by the sea with nothing to do but cuddle, rest, and listen to the waves crash against the shore.
A quiet cabin in the woods with the love of my life, a fully stocked kitchen, and some very nice wine.
NYC! Broadway! Fancy dinners! The clubs! A week of nights-on-the-town with my BAE, doing exactly what I want!
An all-inclusive cruise with the love of my life — and a couple of our best coupled-up friends!
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Do you have any relationship goals?
Oh man! To be in one? I’m tired of the dating scene. It’s been years since I really felt like I cared for someone. And like they cared for me.
Honestly, I’m just trying to learn how to love myself more freely. I feel like my partner will come after I figure that part out.
I’m in a long term relationship and I’d love to make our love last the long haul.
I’m ready to get out there and start meeting new people. My last break up sucked, but I’m ready to start something new.
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Where do you feel you most need help when it comes to L.O.V.E.?
Feeling confident meeting new people. I get shy and weird and have trouble being myself.
Learning how to trust my partner. Things usually go so well until my insecurities come up and I don’t know what to do with them!
Getting physical. I don’t know, maybe I’m just shy, but sometimes I have trouble connecting when things get hot and heavy.
Getting past the physical! Ha! It’s hard for me to open up and get vulnerable emotionally.
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The match is on! What’s your fighting style?
Fight?! Oh, heck no. If I can’t stay calm, I’ll excuse myself until I’ve got more perspective. And the other person has calmed down.
It’s not so much that I fight, really. It’s more that I’m pretty much always right…
I’m calm and I listen to understand, not respond. Staying steady and approaching arguments with love is kinda my specialty.
Honestly? I usually just give in. Then call up my bestie to hash it out afterwards.
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💫 POOF!💫 Your fairy relationship-mother arrives (and she looks an awful lot like me!)... You get one relationship-wish! What do you ask for?
Long-term happiness with the partner of my dreams, nbd.
To find the perfect person who totally gets me, can call me on my bs, but also: understands that I’m usually right. Ha!
A peaceful, loving relationship with someone who will help me feel both secure and spontaneous.
That my partner is my best friend. And that we get lots of time to spend together and with our mutual group of besties.
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You’re a… Bold-Hearted Romantic!
O.K. hot stuff, you’ve got it going on! You’re a major risk taker—‘no’ just ain’t in your vocab. You’re unfazed by circumstances that’d have The Rock sweating. Your secret? You live for the thrill.
Your straight-talking sensibility is Syrah-level intoxicating. Friends trust you to cut through the BS. From lipstick to international politics, you’ve got something to say about everything.
When you want something, you ask for it—loudly. Exes may have called you ‘demanding.’ But you’re not about to surrender your high standards...
You’ve probably got a mile-long list of your ideal mate’s traits. Fun-loving but well-mannered. Witty but sensitive as a touchscreen. You love imagining your special someone. But actually loving him or her is a whole other question...
“We love the things we love for what they are.” — Robert Frost
Ready To Meet Your Soul-Match? For Personalized Tips, Read On!
1. Give a little and get a lot. I love that you set your sights sky-high. But maybe you’re missing out on what’s right in front of you. Take a chance — try dating outside your usual ‘type.’ Even just for fun...
2. Face your fear of being taken advantage of. Love and vulnerability go hand n’ hand — wanting one without the other is a toxic relationship waiting to happen. Practice expressing your inner self through journaling.
3. Don’t set out to ‘win the game.’ Unlike many aspects of your life, love ain’t a competitive sport. Don’t set out to find the most good-looking or most intelligent partner. Simply find someone who makes you tick.

Hello, lovely 👋 I’m Talia Tahir.
And I help millennials (yep, just like you) find their romantic soul-matches—no swiping necessary.
After a few tedious months of meeting other singles through Tinder and Bumble, I felt more alone than ever before — I’m talking vegan Ben & Jerry’s alone in my apartment every Saturday night...
The up-swing? I had loads of time to figure out where I was going wrong in my approach to love. Hint? It’s all about self-worth. If your heart doesn’t trust that you deserve affection, potential partners are going to mirror that belief.
Through my coaching, I’m going to help you get to the bottom of what’s holding you back in love. Once you embrace yourself, I promise others will, too ✨
Three Quick Steps To Set You Up For Lasting Romance ⤵️
1. Download the Chapter 1 of my new PDF guide Love in the Time of Bumble. It’s going to show you why the disconnection you’re likely feeling is so common among millennials.
2. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram for daily dating tips!
3. Need a quick fix? Book a one-on-one Skype consultation with me. Remember—I’m here to help you love yourself. So you can attract someone who treats your beautiful, brilliant soul with the care it deserves!
What can I say? I just can’t get enough of you! So don’t be surprised to see me in your inbox with more relationship tips and tricks.
You’re a… Lover of Love
Your social calendar is as lit as the top of a birthday cake. People gravitate towards you for your shining personality. You make your friends feel comfortable in the most awkward of circumstances…
There’s a reason people count on you. You’ve got a big heart and will make time to hear them out. Just make sure you’re paying enough attention to yourself. And what you need to feel loved.
In relationships you bend over backwards to meet your partner’s every need. Sometimes it’s worth asking whether they’re doing the same in return. You’re worthy of a love that matches your shine. Let me point you in the right direction…
“If you can’t love yourself, how in the *heck* are you going to love somebody else.” — RuPaul
Ready To Meet Your Soul-Match? For Personalized Tips, Read On!
1. Give a little and get a lot. I love that you set your sights sky-high. But maybe you’re missing out on what’s right in front of you. Take a chance — try dating outside your usual ‘type.’ Even just for fun...
2. Face your fear of being taken advantage of. Love and vulnerability go hand n’ hand—wanting one without the other is a toxic relationship waiting to happen. Practice expressing your inner self through journaling.
3. Don’t set out to ‘win the game.’ Unlike many aspects of your life, love ain’t a competitive sport. Don’t set out to find the most good-looking or most intelligent partner. Simply find someone who makes you tick.

Hello, lovely 👋 I’m Talia Tahir.
And I help millennials (yep, just like you) find their romantic soul-matches—no swiping necessary.
After a few tedious months of meeting other singles through Tinder and Bumble, I felt more alone than ever before — I’m talking vegan Ben & Jerry’s alone in my apartment every Saturday night...
The up-swing? I had loads of time to figure out where I was going wrong in my approach to love. Hint? It’s all about self-worth. If your heart doesn’t trust that you deserve affection, potential partners are going to mirror that belief.
Through my coaching, I’m going to help you get to the bottom of what’s holding you back in love. Once you embrace yourself, I promise others will, too ✨
Three Quick Steps To Set You Up For Lasting Romance ⤵️
1. Download the Chapter 1 of my new PDF guide Love in the Time of Bumble. It’s going to show you why the disconnection you’re likely feeling is so common among millennials!
2. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram for daily dating tips.
3. Need a quick fix? Book a one-on-one Skype consultation with me. Remember—I’m here to help you love yourself. So you can attract someone who treats your beautiful, brilliant soul with the care it deserves!
What can I say? I just can’t get enough of you! So don’t be surprised to see me in your inbox with more relationship tips and tricks.
You’re a... Peace-Loving Partner
There’s nothing you like more than sitting on your back porch listening to the chickadees and feeling the sun on your cheeks. You’ve probably got every yoga mat colour on the rainbow.
Your naturally nurturing energy attracts a diverse group of friends. You’re so empathetic you can pretty much read peoples’ thoughts.
I don’t want to have to be the one to tell you this, but sometimes safety ain’t your friend. While love doesn’t always mean taking a massive risk, you can’t fall for someone without putting your heart on the line.
Embrace the beauty of uncertainty. We can’t learn if we’re not challenged.
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” — Lao Tzu
Find a Love as Unique as You With Your Three Personalized Steps!
1. Make a commitment to hold your ground. Instead of shapeshifting to suit your ideal partner’s needs, be true to yourself.
2. Face your fear of rejection. Love and vulnerability go hand n’ hand — wanting one without the other is a toxic relationship waiting to happen. Practice expressing your inner self through journaling.
3. Accept the changes that’ll result from your new relationship. You’re comfortable with your current life and the thought of evolving (even if it’s for the better) scares you. Let it go, friend. Life is never constant.

Hello, lovely 👋 I’m Talia Tahir.
And I help millennials (yep, just like you) find their romantic soul-matches—no swiping necessary.
After a few tedious months of meeting other singles through Tinder and Bumble, I felt more alone than ever before — I’m talking vegan Ben & Jerry’s alone in my apartment every Saturday night...
The up-swing? I had loads of time to figure out where I was going wrong in my approach to love. Hint? It’s all about self-worth. If your heart doesn’t trust that you deserve affection, potential partners are going to mirror that belief.
Through my coaching, I’m going to help you get to the bottom of what’s holding you back in love. Once you embrace yourself, I promise others will, too ✨
Three Quick Steps To Set You Up For Lasting Romance ⤵️
1. Download the Chapter 1 of my new PDF guide Love in the Time of Bumble. It’s going to show you why the disconnection you’re likely feeling is so common among millennials!
2. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram for daily dating tips.
3. Need a quick fix? Book a one-on-one Skype consultation with me. Remember—I’m here to help you love yourself. So you can attract someone who treats your beautiful, brilliant soul with the care it deserves!
What can I say? I just can’t get enough of you! So don’t be surprised to see me in your inbox with more relationship tips and tricks.
You’re A… Loyal Lover
Nothing can steer you off course. You’ve got crazy focus and can achieve anything when you dedicate your heart to it 100%.
You friends know to come to you for an objective opinion. When in need of comfort, your calm demeanor is as relaxing as an Epsom salt bath.
My tip for you? Get comfortable putting yourself out there. So what if someone rejects you. You’re still every bit as wonderful as the day you were born.
Often we fear that we’ll express ourselves completely and still have to deal with rejection. I’m giving you permission to drop that package on the conveyor belt and take off!
“This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.” — Elizabeth Gilbert
Find a Love as Unique as You With Your Three Personalized Steps!
1. Make a commitment to hold your ground. Instead of shapeshifting to suit your ideal partner’s needs, be true to yourself.
2. Face your fear of rejection. Love and vulnerability go hand n’ hand—wanting one without the other is a toxic relationship waiting to happen. Practice expressing your inner self through journaling.
3. Accept the changes that’ll result from your new relationship. You’re comfortable with your current life and the thought of evolving (even if it’s for the better) scares you. Let it go, friend. Life is never constant.

Hello, lovely 👋 I’m Talia Tahir.
And I help millennials (yep, just like you) find their romantic soul-matches—no swiping necessary.
After a few tedious months of meeting other singles through Tinder and Bumble, I felt more alone than ever before — I’m talking vegan Ben & Jerry’s alone in my apartment every Saturday night...
The up-swing? I had loads of time to figure out where I was going wrong in my approach to love. Hint? It’s all about self-worth. If your heart doesn’t trust that you deserve affection, potential partners are going to mirror that belief.
Through my coaching, I’m going to help you get to the bottom of what’s holding you back in love. Once you embrace yourself, I promise others will, too ✨
Three Quick Steps To Set You Up For Lasting Romance ⤵️
1. Download the Chapter 1 of my new PDF guide Love in the Time of Bumble. It’s going to show you why the disconnection you’re likely feeling is so common among millennials!
2. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram for daily dating tips.
3. Need a quick fix? Book a one-on-one Skype consultation with me. Remember—I’m here to help you love yourself. So you can attract someone who treats your beautiful, brilliant soul with the care it deserves!
What can I say? I just can’t get enough of you! So don’t be surprised to see me in your inbox with more relationship tips and tricks.
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