What’s your best-selling brand voice?
Gain exciting insights into how customers perceive your brand’s voice. Plus boost your profits by learning to create miraculous, meaningful connections through your marketing! Your next step starts now, friend...
Quiz Transcript
What’s your best-selling brand voice?
I want my customers to feel...
Excited about their ah-mazing futures 🎉
Like they're %100 capable of achieving their dreams!
Like they've got the energy to accomplish big.
Cooler than the average guy or girl 😎
1 / 10
Which famous friendship best represents how you relate to your clients?
Paris and Nicole —We're TOTAL bffs! We tell each other everything...
Jay-Z and Kanye — We respect one another but there’s a lil' tension.
Gwyneth and Beyoncé — We share what some might call a spiritual bond...
Did I miss the memo? Since when is business + friendship a thing?
2 / 10
Why are you second-guessing your brand’s voice?
I want to find out why my community members seem so disengaged... Nothing I write excites them.
I’m super close with my community but just can’t seem to convert.
My community members have lost interest entirely. Some even seem confrontational… Like they’re trying to pick a fight.
My existing community members are engaged and convert well. But I’m finding having a hard time gaining new leads...
3 / 10
Fill in the blank: Life is nothing without _____
mimosas and brunch!
a perfectly followed schedule!
a higher purpose!
a hip reputation!
4 / 10
What stage of biz are you currently in?
Just starting out… So anything is possible, right?
I’m well-established. Some might even call me a cornerstone of my niche!
Relatively new but growing quickly!
Been at it awhile but not seeing the results I’d hoped for at the outset...
5 / 10
Which statement best sums up your insecurity about your brand’s voice?
I’m worried I come off a little cold. I don’t know how to strike a balance between professional and personal.
I feel that my generosity is causing me to miss out on sales.
Insecurity? That’s something I don’t associate with.
Some people don’t seem to take me seriously. They’re hesitant to trust my judgement.
6 / 10
Pick your ideal client!
A young, fun-loving trendsetter!
A super suave business(wo)man!
A high-spirited yogi!
A big corporation with a message I can stand behind!
7 / 10
My brand’s strong suit is…
It’s slick style! I sure know how to stay current with the latest trending topics...
It's reputation. Not going to lie, we're pretty hip.
It's nurturing nature and inspiring community.
My clients know they can trust me with tight deadlines and getting all their numbers right!
8 / 10
Which hashtag are you most likely to use?
9 / 10
What sentence sounds most like your brand?
Friend, it’s alright to give yourself a break. Respect your boundaries and sip your matcha in peace.
Mrs./Mr. Johnson, we appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again soon.
The cool thing about our company is that we’re sort of like a big family.
Hi, hi lovey ✨ We’re so super excited to announce the arrival of our spring collection.
10 / 10
You Have a... Polished + Professional Voice!
Good news, friend, you don’t have to worry about getting your point across — you speak with great clarity and articulation! Which wins the trust of potential clients in a wink… or two.
Your voice’s version of dressing down is undoing its top-button. Given downtime, it defaults to reorganizing its iTunes library while watching Mad Men for the umpteenth time. Sound fun, right?
You’re frugal with expressive grammar. Even the odd exclamation point seems like ‘too much.’ Emojis? You’re going to take a pass…
Here’s the sitch. Your concision is an asset, yes. But sometimes it might come off a bit cold. Your clients want to feel like they’re connecting with a real person. Do you know anyone who’s never emotional. It’s O.K. to feel things… And to let your leads see it!
“I want to do business with a company that treats emailing me as a privilege, not a transaction.” — Andrea Mignolo
Suffering From A Corporate Identity Crisis? Try These 3 Tips to Tighten-Up Your Brand’s Voice!
1) Pull out your mirror, peeps — it’s time to reflect! Ask yourself these big questions about your brand: who are you? Why are you here? What sort of future do you want to create? Get to the heart of your business. Then pick a voice in perfect alignment.
2) Consider your perfect client. Who are you trying to attract? We’re more likely to purchase from peeps who reflect (there’s that word again) our core values and beliefs. E.g. if you’re selling to a heart-centered yogi, avoid using a sarky, snide tone.
3) Check out the competition. O.K. your service/product is obviously superior to theirs,’ but bear with me 🐻 You want to make sure your voice is unique. It’s all too easy for businesses in the same arena to blend together — be the one to stand out!
Speaking of Standing Out… Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hey, pleased to meet yah 🤝 I’m Abigail Medina, a Strange Things lovin’ conversion copywriter and biz coach!
Maybe you’re wondering what drew me to the wild world of writing? For me, it’s always been about stories. I love hearing them almost as much as telling them...
Plus it’s so rewarding seeing my work pay-off through my clients’ hecka’ high engagement rates #humblebrag.
I’ve been inspiring go-getters to grow their audiences since 2017. Former clients include lifestyle blogger Sandra Samiko and celebrity jeweler Michael Cabot.
Think you could be next? Yep, I do, too 💖
Ready to Write Your Way to Big Business Wins?
Start Here 👇
1) Click this link to check out my mini-course on copywriting! I’m going to teach you how to make your reader the star of the story. You’ve got nothing to lose — so give it a go!
2) Follow my blog for tips and tricks to convert leads into loyal customers. Free guidance on maximizing your profit? Yes, please! Try searching my archives… You’ll find every tantalizing topic from marketing to social media.
3) Need a hand 🙌 Book a private consultation with yours truly. Whether you’re a start-up or a freelance service provider, I’ve got you covered. High performing funnel? Check ✅
Need a Sec to Think ‘Bout It? No Problem… I’m Going to Be Reaching Out Via Email to Keep You in the Loop!
You Have an… Inspiring + Soulful Voice!
I think the world needs a little more of you, friend! You’re gifted at lifting others up — way up — with your words. You care for your clients with patience. And they clamor for your honest, full-hearted communications 🙏
You’re writing likely leans towards the lyrical. You’re a fan of alliteration, long-sentences, and mind-expanding metaphors!
Your brand’s voice is a turmeric tea-sipping tai-chi master. Everyone wants to know what multivitamin (s)he’s popping. Even in the stormiest of circumstances, (s)he radiates positivity...
So what’s your challenge? Sometimes you give a little — O.K. a lot — more than you get. You tend to shy away from sales, as they seem disingenuous. And totally corporate. Friend, I’m here to tell you you can up your income while staying true to yourself!
“You can’t sell anything if you can’t tell anything.” — Beth Comstock, Vice Chair of General Electric
Suffering From A Corporate Identity Crisis? Try These 3 Tips to Tighten-Up Your Brand’s Voice!
1) Pull out your mirror, peeps — it’s time to reflect! Ask yourself these big questions about your brand: who are you? Why are you here? What sort of future do you want to create? Get to the heart of your business. Then pick a voice in perfect alignment.
2) Consider your perfect client. Who are you trying to attract? We’re more likely to purchase from peeps who reflect (there’s that word again) our core values and beliefs. E.g. if you’re selling to a heart-centered yogi, avoid using a sarky, snide tone.
3) Check out the competition. O.K. your service/product is obviously superior to theirs,’ but bear with me 🐻 You want to make sure your voice is unique. It’s all too easy for businesses in the same arena to blend together — be the one to stand out!
Speaking of Standing Out... Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hey, pleased to meet yah 🤝 I’m Abigail Medina, a Strange Things lovin’ conversion copywriter and biz coach!
Maybe you’re wondering what drew me to the wild world of writing? For me, it’s always been about stories. I love hearing them almost as much as telling them...
Plus it’s so rewarding seeing my work pay-off through my clients’ hecka’ high engagement rates #humblebrag.
I’ve been inspiring go-getters to grow their audiences since 2017. Former clients include lifestyle blogger Sandra Samiko and celebrity jeweler Michael Cabot…
Think you could be next? Yep, I do, too 💖
Ready to Write Your Way to Big Business Wins?
Start Here 👇
1) Click this link to check out my mini-course on copywriting! I’m going to teach you how to make your reader the star of the story. You’ve got nothing to lose — so give it a go!
2) Follow my blog for tips and tricks to convert leads into loyal customers. Free guidance on maximizing your profit? Yes, please! Try searching my archives… You’ll find every tantalizing topic from marketing to social media.
3) Need a hand 🙌 Book a private consultation with yours truly. Whether you’re a start-up or a freelance service provider, I’ve got you covered. High performing funnel? Check ✅
Need a Sec to Think ‘Bout It? No Problem… I’m Going to Be Reaching Out Via Email to Keep You in the Loop!
You Have a... Peppy + Full-of-Pop Voice
You don’t need pom-poms to rile a crowd! You know how to pump-up them up with nothin’ but words… And a splash of punctuation. Your messages are like Pixie Stix — sweet and exciting 🍭
You’re probably a hardcore emoji fan. I’m thinking every second sentence ends in ❤️ or ⭐️ You like short sentences with lots of emphasis. Exclamation points and question marks — they’re so fun!
Your brand’s voice can be found in the nearest Barcade playing pin-ball and laughing it up with his/her friends. (S)he’s the life of every party.
Here’s the sitch. While your voice is buoyant and bravely bubbly, sometimes the situation calls for a more serious tone. Sometimes potential clients write you off as too playful or inauthentic…
“Authenticity, honesty, and personal voice underlie much of what’s successful on the Web.” — Rick Levine, author of The Cluetrain Manifesto
Suffering From A Corporate Identity Crisis? Try These 3 Tips to Tighten-Up Your Brand’s Voice!
1) Pull out your mirror, peeps — it’s time to reflect! Ask yourself these big questions about your brand: who are you? Why are you here? What sort of future do you want to create? Get to the heart of your business. Then pick a voice in perfect alignment.
2) Consider your perfect client. Who are you trying to attract? We’re more likely to purchase from peeps who reflect (there’s that word again) our core values and beliefs. E.g. if you’re selling to a heart-centered yogi, avoid using a sarky, snide tone.
3) Check out the competition. O.K. your service/product is obviously superior to theirs,’ but bear with me 🐻 You want to make sure your voice is unique. It’s all too easy for businesses in the same arena to blend together — be the one to stand out!
Speaking of Standing Out… Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hey, pleased to meet yah 🤝 I’m Abigail Medina, a Strange Things lovin’ conversion copywriter and biz coach!
Maybe you’re wondering what drew me to the wild world of writing? For me, it’s always been about stories. I love hearing them almost as much as telling them...
Plus it’s so rewarding seeing my work pay-off through my clients’ hecka’ high engagement rates #humblebrag.
I’ve been inspiring go-getters to grow their audiences since 2017. Former clients include lifestyle blogger Sandra Samiko and celebrity jeweler Michael Cabot…
Think you could be next? Yep, I do, too 💖
Ready to Write Your Way to Big Business Wins?
Start Here 👇
1) Click this link to check out my mini-course on copywriting! I’m going to teach you how to make your reader the star of the story. You’ve got nothing to lose — so give it a go!
2) Follow my blog for tips and tricks to convert leads into loyal customers. Free guidance on maximizing your profit? Yes, please! Try searching my archives… You’ll find every tantalizing topic from marketing to social media.
3) Need a hand 🙌 Book a private consultation with yours truly. Whether you’re a start-up or a freelance service provider, I’ve got you covered. High performing funnel? Check ✅
Need a Sec to Think ‘Bout It? No Problem… I’m Going to Be Reaching Out Via Email to Keep You in the Loop!
You Have a… Cool + Laid-Back Voice!
How do you make the hardest of tasks look so effortless? Under pressure, you’re the last one to break a sweat. You know what’s worth stressing over, and — news flash — nothing is...
You probably tend towards long, drawn-out sentences. You’re defs a minimalist when it comes to grammar. Your style is laissez faire but you’re never lazy, right?
Your brand’s voice is slurping a lukewarm Corona on a beach in Cabo. (S)he’s wearing palm-tree printed board shorts and squeezing saltwater from her/his hair. (S)he sure knows how to chill…
Here’s the hold-up... Potential clients might be a bit tentative trusting you with their biz. It’s got nothing to do with the quality of your product/service. Sometimes you have to tell peeps just how much you care. And stay excited about your goals.
“One of the best ways to sabotage your content is to not tie it to your goals. Know why you’re creating content.” — Ellen Gomes, Senior Content Marketing Manager at Marketo
Suffering From A Corporate Identity Crisis? Try These 3 Tips to Tighten-Up Your Brand’s Voice!
1) Pull out your mirror, peeps — it’s time to reflect! Ask yourself these big questions about your brand: who are you? Why are you here? What sort of future do you want to create? Get to the heart of your business. Then pick a voice in perfect alignment.
2) Consider your perfect client. Who are you trying to attract? We’re more likely to purchase from peeps who reflect (there’s that word again) our core values and beliefs. E.g. if you’re selling to a heart-centered yogi, avoid using a sarky, snide tone.
3) Check out the competition. O.K. your service/product is obviously superior to theirs,’ but bear with me 🐻 You want to make sure your voice is unique. It’s all too easy for businesses in the same arena to blend together — be the one to stand out!
Speaking of Standing Out… Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hey, pleased to meet yah 🤝 I’m Abigail Medina, a Strange Things lovin’ conversion copywriter and biz coach!
Maybe you’re wondering what drew me to the wild world of writing? For me, it’s always been about stories. I love hearing them almost as much as telling them...
Plus it’s so rewarding seeing my work pay-off through my clients’ hecka’ high engagement rates #humblebrag.
I’ve been inspiring go-getters to grow their audiences since 2017. Former clients include lifestyle blogger Sandra Samiko and celebrity jeweler Michael Cabot…
Think you could be next? Yep, I do, too 💖
Ready to Write Your Way to Big Business Wins?
Start Here 👇
1) Click this link to check out my mini-course on copywriting! I’m going to teach you how to make your reader the star of the story. You’ve got nothing to lose — so give it a go!
2) Follow my blog for tips and tricks to convert leads into loyal customers. Free guidance on maximizing your profit? Yes, please! Try searching my archives… You’ll find every tantalizing topic from marketing to social media.
3) Need a hand 🙌 Book a private consultation with yours truly. Whether you’re a start-up or a freelance service provider, I’ve got you covered. High performing funnel? Check ✅
Need a Sec to Think ‘Bout It? No Problem… I’m Going to Be Reaching Out Via Email to Keep You in the Loop!
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