What type of yoga is right for you?
Discover what kind of practice is best suited for your unique personality so that you can chill out, get strong, and find peace!
Quiz Transcript
What type of yoga is right for you?
How big a part of your life is your yoga practice?
Yoga practice? You mean stretching and breathing right? Yeah, I’ve tried that once or twice.
Ommm… I get on my mat every single morning, no matter what. I have a set of regular postures that I work with then I meditate for at least 10-20 minutes.
I hit up classes at my local hot yoga studio at least once a week! I NEED to stretch it out because I work out so much.
Oh my gosh! If only I had time to get back to my yoga practice. I remember when I used to do it regularly, I had WAY less stress.
1 / 10
Do you like to exercise?
Oh heck yes! I go for a run or hit up the gym at least 2-5 times a week.
I’m more of a go for a walk or a hike kinda person. I don’t like to push myself.
I used to. But ever since the chronic pain set in, I’ve found it very difficult to move my body without cringing.
Does dancing count? That’s my favorite way to move my body!
2 / 10
How bout singing in the shower?
Um. Sometimes I sing along to the radio in my car. But you DO NOT want to hear it.
When I was a kid I sang all the time, but I’m a bit more quiet and reserved these days.
I could take it or leave it. I really prefer silence.
Oh yeah! I love singing! Out loud! With people or without. This world is made up of vibrations and I love chiming in with my own voice!
3 / 10
On a scale of 1 - 10, how stressed out are you usually?
1-3: I’m hardly ever stressed out and when it comes up, I’m able to move through it pretty easily.
4-6: My life’s pretty busy and it sometimes becomes a bit much, but I’m rarely overwhelmed.
7-9: Oh my gosh, between work and family and social obligations, I can sometimes turn into a bit of a stressed out mess.
10+: My life is high pressure and I deal with it. But I’m having trouble sleeping, finding myself snapping at my friends and family, and sometimes suffer full-on anxiety attacks.
4 / 10
What’s your favorite (non-yoga) way to deal with your stress?
Ignore it. Or eat it away. I’ve heard that exercise helps, but I’m not sure where to start
Watch tv and veg out. I know it’s not the best strategy, but I’m honestly just so tired at the end of the day and I want to do literally nothing.
Go to the gym or for a run. I’ve got to get my body moving.
Prayer. I’ve just got to connect with my spirit and I start to feel way better.
5 / 10
What your #1 yoga goal?
Hmm. Maybe just becoming more aware and at one with the universe?
I’d love to learn to accept myself the way I am.
Head stand! Forearm stand! The splits! And a yoga butt!
I’d love to learn how to actually rest. And maybe start getting better sleeps. Oh! And if my brain could just slow down for one minute, that’d be nice.
6 / 10
In your dream world, what’s your ideal way to practice yoga?
In my own home with a private instructor!
Getting my sweat on in a hot yoga studio with a bunch of other yogis to help me inspire my practice.
On-demand online classes would be ideal.
Ehhh. I’m not really sure I even want to practice yoga.
7 / 10
Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?
Yes! If by spiritual you mean religious. I’m committed to my relationship with God and I love my traditional community.
Not really. I’m not against the idea but I don’t pretend that I know what’s going on past what meets the eye. I guess you could call me agnostic.
Nahhh. We are living in a material world and I am a material, um, person. I resonate most with science and consider myself an atheist.
Praise goddess, you better believe it! I believe that we are spirits having a human experience, here to learn our lessons and transcend our limits. And I’m SO here for it.
8 / 10
I say “chant” you say...
Dear god, please keep those orange robed Hare Krishnas away from me.
Ommmmm, shanti, shanti, shanti, shanti. Peace.
SAT Nam. SAT Nam. SAT Nam.
You mean like cheering at a football game?
9 / 10
Which of these quotes resonates best with you?
“Be a drop, a stream, or a raging river—it doesn’t matter which form you take, as long as you remain in the flow.” — Baron Baptiste
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." — The Bhagavad Gita
“Each morning is an opportunity to be the person you were born to be. Each morning is an opportunity to take this chance . . . take this risk . . . blossom into the new evolution of human consciousness . . . create the greatest possibility of your life.” — Guru Singh
“Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action.” — B.K.S. Lyengar
10 / 10
You Need... Restorative Yoga
Your life may be busy, but you are rocking it! Whether it’s school, work, family, or spending time with your friends, you do what you can to show up. If only it didn’t leave you so exhausted that at the end of the day that there’s no way you feel like going for a run, working out, or getting your sweat on at a hot yoga studio. Especially because sometimes your aches and pains get to be too much for you.
The good news? Restorative yoga is perfect for you.
Whether you go to a studio or choose to do it in the comfort of your own home, restorative yoga is a deep but gentle practice that will help you recalibrate your nervous system and steep into a state of true relaxation (as opposed to bingeing yet another Netflix series)...
And once you start to feel fully rested, you may just find that you’ve got the energy to take on a more physical practice, or get back to any other sort of exercise that you used to love!
“Learning to be present with yourself and to abide in that which is steady and comfortable does not allow space for self-judgment. When you live this way, you are practicing yoga: you are living fully.” — Judith Hanson Lasater
Here are 3 yoga postures you can do from the comfort of your own home!

1) Legs up the wall pose! This posture is amazing because it works with gravity to pull the blood and lymphatic fluid that gets stuck in your feet and lower legs back into the center of your body. This helps to re-oxygenate the blood and get white blood cells to where they need to be to help you heal. You can use a cushion under your hips and under your head for support. Stay for five minutes and breathe deeply. (Book optional!)

2) Simple sun breaths! These are great for helping you to deepen your breath (and deep breaths are what the body needs to really relax) and rinse any stagnation out of your shoulders and chest. They’re also easy to do.
Start with your hands by your side. Inhale and bring them up over your head. Exhale and bring them back down by your side. Let your breath guide your movements. Don’t move too quickly. And make sure you take at least 6-10 breaths.

3) Savasana! Everybody’s favorite yoga pose. This is your chance to relax completely. Cover your eyes with something clean and a little bit heavy. Get cozy under a blanket. Breathe deeply and do your best not to fall asleep. But it’s okay if you do!
And who am I to tell you your next best pose? Funny you should ask...

My name is Jessica Johanson, and I am a certified yoga instructor and wellness coach.
I help busy people find peace and comfort in their body, mind, and soul through in person and online classes and coaching.
And I’m here to support you, no matter where you’re at on your yoga journey!
Looking for some yoga and wellness support?
1. Follow me on instagram! I go live at least once a week, answering any and all yoga and wellness questions my followers throw at me.
2. Join my Facebook group! We’re a supportive sangha (community) of like minded seekers, finding balance together in this crazy world.
3. Check out my YouTube channel! I’ve got lots of free 20 minute classes.
And look out for me in your inbox...
I’ll be hopping in there soon to give you more tips on how to relax, deal with pain, and reconnect to the depths of your self.
You Need... Gentle Hatha Yoga
Your life may be busy, but you are rocking it! Whether it’s school, work, family, or spending time with your friends, you do what you can to show up. You love going for long walks and don’t mind hitting up the gym every once in a while. But you could definitely use some more full body movement to keep yourself strong and mobile for the long haul. As long as it’s not too intense!
The good news? Gentle hatha yoga is perfect for you.
Whether you go to a studio or choose to do it in the comfort of your own home, gentle hatha yoga is a deep but gentle practice that will help you bring more mobility to your body and recalibrate your nervous system.
It’ll also help you get rid of any of that stress you might be ignoring...
And once you let it go, you may just find that you’ve got the energy to take on a more physical practice, or get back to any other sort of exercise that you used to love!
“The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.” — Jason Crandell
Here Are 3 Yoga Postures You Can Do In the Comfort of Your Own Home!

1) Simple sun breaths! These are great for helping you to deepen your breath (and deep breaths are what the body needs to really relax) and rinse any stagnation out of your shoulders and chest.
Start with your hands by your side. Inhale and bring them up over your head. Exhale and bring them back down by your side. Let your breath guide your movements. Don’t move too quickly. And make sure you take at least 6-10 breaths.

2) Tree pose! This is a great posture to help you find balance and strengthen your ankles. You can start small and simply balance your heel on your ankle bone, keeping your toes on the ground. Or, you can press the sole of your foot into the inside of your lower leg or your inner thigh. Just make sure to avoid pressing your foot into your knee. From there, keep your gaze and your breath steady and let your “tree” self sway in the wind. And don’t forget to smile!

3) Savasana! Everybody’s favorite yoga pose. This is your chance to relax completely. Cover your eyes with something clean and a little bit heavy. Get cozy under a blanket. Breathe deeply and do your best not to fall asleep. But it’s okay if you do!
And who am I to tell you your next best pose? Funny you should ask...

My name is Jessica Johanson, and I am a certified yoga instructor and wellness coach.
I help busy people find peace and comfort in their body, mind, and soul through in person and online classes and coaching.
And I’m here to support you, no matter where you’re at on your yoga journey!
Looking for some yoga and wellness support?
1) Follow me on Instagram! I go live at least once a week, answering any and all yoga and wellness questions my followers throw at me.
2) Join my Facebook group! We’re a supportive sangha (community) of like minded seekers, finding balance together in this crazy world.
3) Check out my YouTube channel! I’ve got lots of free 20 minute classes.
And look out for me in your inbox...
I’ll be hopping in there soon to give you more tips on how to relax, deal with pain, and reconnect to the depths of your self.
You Need... Power Yoga
Your life may be busy, but you are rocking it!
Whether it’s school, work, family, or spending time with your friends, you do what you can to show up.
You’re athletic, you love pushing yourself, and you often spend your time off being active and getting outside. Your yoga practice should help you balance your body, breath, and mind.
The good news? Power yoga is perfect for you.
Whether you go to a studio or choose to do it in the comfort of your own home, power yoga is a strong and deep practice that will help you bring more mobility to your body and recalibrate your nervous system.
It’ll also help you get rid of any extra stress you might be carrying… so you can be more present in every passing moment!
“Change only happens in the present moment. The past is already done. The future is just energy and intention.” — Kino MacGregor
Here Are 3 Yoga Postures You Can Do In the Comfort of Your Own Home:

1) Sun breaths! These are great for helping you to deepen your breath (and deep breaths are what the body needs to really relax) and rinse any stagnation out of your shoulders and chest. They’ll also warm you up perfectly for some good strong sun salutes.
Start with your hands by your side. Inhale and bring them up over your head. Exhale and bring them back down by your side. Let your breath guide your movements. Don’t move too quickly. And make sure you take at least 6-10 breaths.

2) Tree pose! This is a great posture to help you find balance and strengthen your ankles. You can start small and simply balance your heel on your ankle bone, keeping your toes on the ground. Or, you can press the sole of your foot into the inside of your lower leg or your inner thigh. Just make sure to avoid pressing your foot into your knee. From there, keep your gaze and your breath steady and let your “tree” self sway in the wind. And don’t forget to smile!

3) Sun salutes! Check out my YouTube tutorial on proper sun salute technique. Then make sure to always inhale during an upward movement, and exhale forward. Start with three in a row and build up to as many as 108 over time! (As long as you make sure that you’re keeping your shoulders in proper alignment and you bring your knees to the ground during when you move from high plank to low!)
And who am I to tell you your next best pose? Funny you should ask...

My name is Jessica Johanson, and I am a certified yoga instructor and wellness coach.
I help busy people find peace and comfort in their body, mind, and soul through in person and online classes and coaching.
And I’m here to support you, no matter where you’re at on your yoga journey!
Looking for some yoga and wellness support?
1) Follow me on instagram! I go live at least once a week, answering any and all yoga and wellness questions my followers throw at me.
2) Join my Facebook group! We’re a supportive sangha (community) of like minded seekers, finding balance together in this crazy world.
3) Check out my YouTube channel! I’ve got lots of free 20 minute classes.
And look out for me in your inbox...
I’ll be hopping in there soon to give you more tips on how to relax, deal with pain, and reconnect to the depths of yourself.
You Need... Kundalini Yoga
You’re super unique and you love to dance and sing. Whether you’re brand new to yoga or you’ve been practicing for awhile, you’ve always felt a connection to spirit and universal energy.
Even though life can be super stressful sometimes, you find comfort and solace in the knowledge that we are all one.
You’re ready to expand your awareness and step into a deeper understanding of your true self.
The good news? Kundalini yoga is perfect for you.
Whether you go to a studio or choose to do it in the comfort of your own home, Kundalini yoga is a strong and deep practice that will help you bring more mobility to your body, recalibrate your nervous system, and bring you into a deeper awareness of your life force.
It’ll also help you get rid of any extra stress you might be carrying… so you can be more present in every passing moment!
“Vibrations make up the entire cosmos, the only difference between one part to another is the frequency of the vibrations.” — Guru Singh
Here Are 3 Yoga Practices You Can Do In the Comfort of Your Own Home!

1) Sound meditation! The entire universe is made up of vibrations and you can use the power of sound to break through any blocks that are holding you back. Experiment with a singing bowl or choose a mantra (I recommend Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad – because it turns any negative situation into a positive one), then sit, sing, and listen! Let the vibrations move through you and let yourself become open to a shift.

2) Awareness meditation! Sit tall and still and close your eyes. Breathe deeply, then simply allow your mind to listen to and rest into the sensations in your body. Recognize them as energy moving through you and pay attention. When your mind becomes busy, lovingly pull it back to the energetic sensations in your body and keep breathing long and deep. Stay for at least 5 minutes and build up to 31 eventually.

3) Deep Relaxation! Everybody’s favorite yoga pose. This is your chance to relax completely. Cover your eyes with something clean and a little bit heavy. Get cozy under a blanket. Breathe deeply and do your best not to fall asleep. But it’s okay if you do!
And who am I to tell you your next best pose? Funny you should ask...

My name is Jessica Johanson, and I am a certified yoga instructor and wellness coach.
I help busy people find peace and comfort in their body, mind, and soul through in person and online classes and coaching.
And I’m here to support you, no matter where you’re at on your yoga journey!
Looking for some yoga and wellness support?
1) Follow me on instagram! I go live at least once a week, answering any and all yoga and wellness questions my followers throw at me.
2) Join my Facebook group! We’re a supportive sangha (community) of like minded seekers, finding balance together in this crazy world.
3) Check out my YouTube channel! I’ve got lots of free 20 minute classes.
And look out for me in your inbox...
I’ll be hopping in there soon to give you more tips on how to relax, deal with pain, and reconnect to the depths of your Self.
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