Where Are You In Your Post-Divorce Journey?
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Where Are You In Your Post-Divorce Journey?
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Emotional Well Being
I struggle with low self-esteem and constantly feel sad. I often turn to alcohol, drugs, food, or other addictive behaviors to "deal with life". It's not unusual for me to find myself angry and/or resentful of others.
I have good days and bad days. I sometimes struggle with low self-esteem and indulge in alcohol , drugs, food, or other addictive behaviors. I get angry more than I would like and sometimes blame others for my feelings.
I am generally happy and upbeat. Overall, I am confident and manage stress in a healthy way. I am slow to get angry and usually give others the benefit of the doubt.
I am almost always happy, confident, and optimistic about life and the future. I rarely feel stress, and when I do am able to manage it in a healthy way.
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Physical Well Being
I am usually tired and lethargic. I eat too much sugar and processed food and don't exercise regularly.
I don't always get enough rest during the week, but try to "catch up" on the weekends. I alternate between eating well and eating junk. I work out occasionally, but am not as consistent as I would like to be.
I get plenty of sleep and feel energized throughout the day. I eat healthy, nutritious meals and rarely eat junk food. I faithfully work out at least 5 times a week in some capacity.
I see my body as a gift and make healthy choices to take care of it. My meals consist of unprocessed organic food and I have a consistent workout schedule /routine that gives me energy.
2 / 6
Parental Well Being
My kids are a constant source of conflict and stress. I don't feel prepared to be a parent; and if I am totally honest, I sometimes wish I hadn't had
I find being a parent very challenging. My children rarely admit a mistake and often lie to cover them up. I experience frequent conflict with my kids, but we are usually able to resolve it with minimal hurt feelings.
I enjoy being a parent and find it rewarding (but not without it's occasional challenges). I regularly affirm my children for their accomplishments and positive character. My children feel safe to admit their failures and mistakes. When we experience conflict, we are usually able to resolve it in a positive way.
I LOVE being a parent and know it's my most important life work. I enjoy spending time with my children and they feel comfortable sharing their desires and fears with me. When we experience conflict, we resolve it in a way that makes us feel even closer to each other.
3 / 6
Social Well Being
I don't have a best friend; and really don't have friends outside of work. I often feel lonely and spend a lot of my time alone watching TV or online. Many of my past friendships have ended badly.
I don't really have a best friend, but I have a few close friends that I enjoy spending time with ... even if it's not as much time as I'd like. I sometimes experience conflict with my friends, and am often unsure of how to resolve it.
I have a best friend that accepts me completely for who I am. I also have a circle of close friends and hang out with them regularly. I enjoy being with my friends and feel energized after spending time with them. When I do experience conflict with my friends, I feel we are able to resolve it in a healthy way.
I have a best friend and regularly share my biggest dreams and greatest fears with them. I also have a very close circle of friends I can't wait to spend time with. My friendships are one of my greatest sources of happiness. The few times we experience conflict is resolved in a way that leaves us feeling even closer to one another.
4 / 6
Financial Well Being
I constantly worry about my finances and am extremely fearful for my future. I don't make enough money and often am not able to cover my family's basic needs. I am not saving anything for retirement and am deeply in debt and don't see a way out.
I frequently worry about my finances and what might happen if something terrible should happen. I barely make enough to cover my family's basic needs. I do manage to save a tiny bit for retirement and other things, but know it should be more. I am struggling to pay off debts, but I'm making some progress.
I feel in control of my finances and am confident in my future. I make enough to fund my current chosen lifestyle as well as save for retirement and the future. I regularly give to charitable causes. I have no consumer debt (other than my mortgage).
I rarely think about my finance because I know I have all the bases covered for my future. I make more than enough to support my current lifestyle and give generously to charitable causes that matter to me. I don't have any debt, not even a mortgage. I feel my net worth will continue to grow.
5 / 6
Spiritual Well Being
I feel disconnected from Spirit (God). I am not taking any initiative to pursue spiritual development of any kind. I feel lost and often wonder if my life even matters.
I wish I felt more connected to Spirit (God) than I do. I am not as consistent as I want to be in my spiritual development. I do believe I was created for a purpose; but feel as though I don't know what that purpose is.
I feel connected to Spirit (God). I actively pursue my spiritual development and feel my life has meaning and purpose.
I am constantly aware of Spirit (God)'s presence in my life. I am consistent with my spiritual development and am clear about my presence and the part it plays in the bigger picture.
6 / 6
You scored a 0
You are on the Goat Path...
You are on the Goat Path in your journey to emotional peace. You are struggling with understanding who you are and where you belong in this world. You may find that you feel overwhelmed, especially in stressful situations. It's likely, too, that you find it hard to calm down after you've felt upset and you may struggle to build lasting, trusting relationships with your friends and/or children. You often feel anxious and can turn to addictive behaviors to try to mask and avoid your feelings. Don't worry - although your path may now be strewn with rocks and lots of twists and turns, there are plenty of ways that you can smooth out your journey, starting now.
You scored a 9
You are on the Highway ...
You are on the Highway in your journey to emotional peace. You have a good grasp on understanding who you are and where you belong in this world, but sometimes question your purpose. You are generally confident and happy and have a close relationship with your friends and/or children. You are known to have some anxious days, and feel you could handle them better if only you knew how. You sometimes indulge in addictive behaviors when faced with your anxieties to "calm down". Don't worry - although your path presents lots of twists and turns, and can occasionally throw in the random pothole ... it is for the most part fairly smooth. But there are plenty of ways to move you onto the autobahn of emotional peace.
You scored a 17
Great! You are on The Autobahn
Congrats! You are on The Autobahn in your journey to emotional peace. You understand who you are and where you belong in this world, and have found your purpose. You are confident and happy. You rarely have anxious days, and feel you are able to handle them in a healthy way when they do happen. You have great relationships with friends and your children, and you probably find that they often approach you for advice. However, when so many people admire your people skills, it's easy to lose sight of your own needs. Researchers have found that emotionally intelligent people often have great leadership potential. Realize this potential by seeking opportunities to improve even further.
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