Which archangel is reaching out to you?
Feeling called to connect with your archangels and create more abundance, love, and happiness? 🎆 Take the quiz to discover which angelic guide is trying to get your attention and has your back!
Quiz Transcript
Which archangel is reaching out to you?
Feeling called to connect with your archangels and create more abundance, love, and happiness? 🎆 Take the quiz to discover which angelic guide is trying to get your attention and has your back!
Which of these animals do you love most?
Birds! I mean, who wouldn’t want their own set of wings?
Cats… Big and wild or small and cuddly, I love them all.
Big-horned animals like mountain goats and buffalo — they’re so majestic and always stick together.
Butterflies and bees — they remind me of ethereal beings like angels.
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What crystals and stones are you drawn to?
Rare blue stones like labradorite, sugilite, and cavansanite are my favorite.
Emerald and malachite — love those deep crystalline greens.
I love the warm tones of citrine and carnelian.
Amber is so mysterious — especially if there are little creatures hidden inside.
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What is it that has you curious about angels?
I grew up reading about them in a religious context and I wonder if there’s any merit to those old stories?
I’ve been having undeniable supernatural experiences and I’m feeling called to learn more.
I’d like to have a career as a spiritual guide or coach — Using my gifts to help others is a dream of mine.
I'm about a woo as a person can be — angels, unicorns, aliens, crystals, and tarot cards are my life!
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 Which part of the color wheel speaks to your soul?
Blues and purples resonate with me on a deep level.
Reds and oranges have always felt rich and powerful to me.
Deep greens into blues hit me in the heart chakra!
I love clear, pearly, opalescent whites
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 What part of tuning your intuition would you like help with?
Truth be told, I'm not really sure I have any intuition?
I get really in my head about things and have a hard time with acceptance of what is.
How do I know what’s my intuition and what’s just that bla bla inner dialogue that never shuts up?
I’ve been told I’m very intuitive — I’d like to know how to hone the gifts! Where do I start?
I'm actually great at sensing ethereal messages. The more I meditate and listen to my gut the more woo comes through!
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Do you see numbers or symbols that make you wonder if angels are trying to tell you something?
I see 111 or 11:11 a lot and I always get goosebumps!
I find beautiful white feathers, heart shaped stones.
I find dimes and often have the sense that it means something cool.
I see numbers like 222, 333, and 444 — Does it mean angels are trying to communicate?
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 Which quote about intuition MOST resonates with you?
"I have learnt that all men live not by care for themselves, but by love” — Leo Tolstoy
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined." — Henry David Thoreau
“Stop talking about the things that are bothering you so much.”— Esther Hicks
“Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.” — Louise Hay
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 What area of life are you most excited to get angelic guidance?
I'd love some fantastical adventures around the globe where I could meet people and experience new cultures.
I'm ready to call in a positive, loving relationship. Companionship and great communication are my hearts desires!
I'm calling in a deeper sense of peace and calm. I need to let go of the past and feel more present.
I'm ready to manifest an abundant career and be seen as a leader in my field.
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Which personal growth retreat resonates with you?
A relaxing nature retreat. I want to quietly bathe in natural sources of water, sit under trees, and walk barefoot.
An empowerment retreat. I’m ready to have a sense of self and speak my truth — angels, open my throat chakra!
A retreat that helps heal addictions. Of course, being on a remote beach drinking coconut water sound great too!
A grounding, trauma healing retreat is what I need — surrounded by the beauty of farm life where I could be near animals.
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Your Archangel is... Michael!
You are a thoughtful light-being, and because of your desire to make the world a better place and your keen ability to see the good in others… archangel Michael is your devoted ally.
Don't get discouraged if you don’t sense the angelic realm right away. Continued consciousness is what reaps the rewards you seek. It's 1000% time to trust yourself and seek the tools that will have you awakening in no time.
Because you are deep and introspective, you can also use visualization as a form of manifestation. Check out my article about manifesting through visualization.
“The more that you trust and believe in angels, the more they will pour their blessings upon you.”
– Denise Linn
🌟 6 Signs That Angels Are Trying to Reach YOU 🌟
1. Sparkles, Orbs, and Rainbows
Many people report seeing sparks and flashes of light that can’t be explained. Angels and spirits are incredibly creative and their sole desire is to reach out to you with all the energetic tools at their disposal. It’s especially moving to see photographs that have orbs or flashes that often aren’t visible with the naked eye. Cats are particularly tuned in to seeing orbs so if your feline baby is mysteriously watching something, be sure there are angels in your midst!
2. Symbols and Treasures
Feathers, coins, stones and even trinkets from a loved one who’s crossed over are all messages from Heaven. How can you know for sure?
The feeling you have when you find them is the most important part to watch for. All living beings are wired to receive messages from the Divine but the ways we sense them may be slightly unique.
3. Sensations
Goosebumps, gut feelings, strange symptoms, and feelings of not being alone can all be ways the angels are reaching out to you from the astral plane.
4. Craving Nature
Do you ever just want to hug a tree, breath in the salty ocean air, or walk barefoot in the grass? You, my friend, are connecting with the creator and developing your supernatural gifts. Don’t brush off those cravings for nature!
5. Bells and Whispers
Often overlooked because of their association with madness, hearing ethereal things is an important way that angels try to get your attention.
The messages and sounds will always be gentle, that’s how you can tell the difference. Beyond the loudness and aggression of the world, conditioning, and negative self-talk are the peaceful sounds of the mystical!
6. Vivid Dreams
Be sure to write down your dreams upon awakening each morning. You might be surprised at the divine messages coming through!
Hello, Starseed...

I'm Shashawna Willow, angel intuitive, reiki master, and shamanic plant medicine practitioner.
As a spiritual guide, I do intuitive readings, energy work, and teach tools that I’ve developed over my 15 years as a healer.
My career began in psychology, as I knew in my heart I belonged in a helping profession. My intuitive gifts became undeniable and I was led toward more spiritual modalities. Magic and providence are driving my cosmic bus, all I did was take off the parking brake and let them move me.
It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community and podcast — Miracle Makers. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to turning over their energy to the Divine.
Finding yourself here means that you’ve already entered the celestial portal.
Get Connected with These Community-Building Resources...
Join my online community Miracle Makers. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered angel friends is here to support you.
Check out my "MIRACLE MAKERS Podcast," I interview thought leaders and share tools that will help you amplify your awakening. Each week, I share a manifestation meditation, so you can raise your vibration and turn up your super-powers.
Want to jumpstart your birthright of intuition? Book a session with me — we'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires and dreams. From there, I’ll teach you to recognize your supernatural gifts. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable stories of awakening and awareness.
The Miracle Makers...
What's next on your angel-led journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a digital journal, to hone in on your truth . Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can continue to recognize what the angels have in store for you.
I'm so excited for you to step deeper into the abundant path of what your guides want for you. Remember, tuning into the subtleties with your senses is the first step. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today.
So many blessings to you, Starseed!
Your Archangel is... Raphael!
You are a heart centered, nature loving light being. Because of your desire to heal the world and help others connect with their infinite power — archangel Raphael is your devoted ally.
You have a touch of wanderlust especially when it means you connect with all of Earth’s beauty and natural wonders.
Don't get discouraged if you don’t sense the angelic realm right away. Continued consciousness is what reaps the rewards you seek. It's 1000% time to trust yourself and seek the tools that will have you awakening in no time.
Because you are deep and introspective, you can use heart connection meditations to call in green light energy for yourself and others. Check out my article about manifestation with heart energy.
It's important to enjoy the ride so take things one step at a time. Appreciate all the beauty and abundance that is here for you.
Keeping a daily gratitude journal is a beautiful practice for you. Especially when you learn to sense angelic messages and record them.
It's time for you to open your heart chakra even more by grounding into nature and sending love and forgiveness. Even though it’s uncomfortable at first to love even the inequities in the world, it gets easier and it’s so worth it!
“For every angel fluttering through the skies, there is a divine counterpart here on Earth. Each of us has a golden celestial-self just waiting to be awakened.”
– Sue K
🌟 6 Signs That Angels Are Trying to Reach YOU 🌟
1. Sparkles, Orbs, and Rainbows
Many people report seeing sparks and flashes of light that can’t be explained. Angels and spirits are incredibly creative and their sole desire is to reach out to you with all the energetic tools at their disposal. It’s especially moving to see photographs that have orbs or flashes that often aren’t visible with the naked eye. Cats are particularly tuned in to seeing orbs so if your feline baby is mysteriously watching something, be sure there are angels in your midst!
2. Symbols and Treasures
Feathers, coins, stones and even trinkets from a loved one who’s crossed over are all messages from Heaven. How can you know for sure?
The feeling you have when you find them is the most important part to watch for. All living beings are wired to receive messages from the Divine but the ways we sense them may be slightly unique.
3. Sensations
Goosebumps, gut feelings, strange symptoms, and feelings of not being alone can all be ways the angels are reaching out to you from the astral plane.
4. Craving Nature
Do you ever just want to hug a tree, breath in the salty ocean air, or walk barefoot in the grass? You, my friend, are connecting with the creator and developing your supernatural gifts. Don’t brush off those cravings for nature!
5. Bells and Whispers
Often overlooked because of their association with madness, hearing ethereal things is an important way that angels try to get your attention.
The messages and sounds will always be gentle, that’s how you can tell the difference. Beyond the loudness and aggression of the world, conditioning, and negative self-talk are the peaceful sounds of the mystical!
6. Vivid Dreams
Be sure to write down your dreams upon awakening each morning. You might be surprised at the divine messages coming through!
Hello, Starseed...

I'm Shashawna Willow, angel intuitive, reiki master, and shamanic plant medicine practitioner.
As a spiritual guide, I do intuitive readings, energy work, and teach tools that I’ve developed over my 15 years as a healer.
My career began in psychology, as I knew in my heart I belonged in a helping profession. My intuitive gifts became undeniable and I was led toward more spiritual modalities. Magic and providence are driving my cosmic bus, all I did was take off the parking brake and let them move me.
It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community and podcast — Miracle Makers. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to turning over their energy to the Divine.
Finding yourself here means that you’ve already entered the celestial portal.
Get Connected with These Community-Building Resources...
Join my online community Miracle Makers. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered angel friends is here to support you.
Check out my "MIRACLE MAKERS Podcast," I interview thought leaders and share tools that will help you amplify your awakening. Each week, I share a manifestation meditation, so you can raise your vibration and turn up your super-powers.
Want to jumpstart your birthright of intuition? Book a session with me — we'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires and dreams. From there, I’ll teach you to recognize your supernatural gifts. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable stories of awakening and awareness.
The Miracle Makers...
What's next on your angel-led journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a digital journal, to hone in on your truth . Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can continue to recognize what the angels have in store for you.
I'm so excited for you to step deeper into the abundant path of what your guides want for you. Remember, tuning into the subtleties with your senses is the first step. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today.
So many blessings to you, Starseed!
Your Archangel is... Gabriel!
You are a highly creative, caring light being. You have a propensity to see things in others that they might not see in themselves.
Because of your desire for clarity, good communication, and your keen ability to see the good in others — archangel Gabriel is your devoted ally.
Don't get discouraged if you don’t sense the angelic realm right away. Continued consciousness is what reaps the rewards you seek. It's 1000% time to trust yourself and seek the tools that will have you awakening in no time.
Because you are introspective and communicative, you should use journaling as a form of connecting with your higher self and your angels. Check out my article about creative journaling.
Keeping a daily gratitude journal is a beautiful practice for you. Especially when you learn to sense angelic messages and record them. That way, you'll recognize self-love as you learn to listen to Gabriel and see with your third eye.
Even though it’s uncomfortable at first to heal your past and commit to doing the work, it gets easier and it’s so worth it!
“Every night and every morning thank your own guardian angel for peace and for the regeneration of all the cells in your body, and for joy.”
— Dorie D’Angelo
🌟 6 Signs That Angels Are Trying to Reach YOU 🌟
1. Sparkles, Orbs, and Rainbows
Many people report seeing sparks and flashes of light that can’t be explained. Angels and spirits are incredibly creative and their sole desire is to reach out to you with all the energetic tools at their disposal. It’s especially moving to see photographs that have orbs or flashes that often aren’t visible with the naked eye. Cats are particularly tuned in to seeing orbs so if your feline baby is mysteriously watching something, be sure there are angels in your midst!
2. Symbols and Treasures
Feathers, coins, stones and even trinkets from a loved one who’s crossed over are all messages from Heaven. How can you know for sure?
The feeling you have when you find them is the most important part to watch for. All living beings are wired to receive messages from the Divine but the ways we sense them may be slightly unique.
3. Sensations
Goosebumps, gut feelings, strange symptoms, and feelings of not being alone can all be ways the angels are reaching out to you from the astral plane.
4. Craving Nature
Do you ever just want to hug a tree, breath in the salty ocean air, or walk barefoot in the grass? You, my friend, are connecting with the creator and developing your supernatural gifts. Don’t brush off those cravings for nature!
5. Bells and Whispers
Often overlooked because of their association with madness, hearing ethereal things is an important way that angels try to get your attention.
The messages and sounds will always be gentle, that’s how you can tell the difference. Beyond the loudness and aggression of the world, conditioning, and negative self-talk are the peaceful sounds of the mystical!
6. Vivid Dreams
Be sure to write down your dreams upon awakening each morning. You might be surprised at the divine messages coming through!
Hello, Starseed...

I'm Shashawna Willow, angel intuitive, reiki master, and shamanic plant medicine practitioner.
As a spiritual guide, I do intuitive readings, energy work, and teach tools that I’ve developed over my 15 years as a healer.
My career began in psychology, as I knew in my heart I belonged in a helping profession. My intuitive gifts became undeniable and I was led toward more spiritual modalities. Magic and providence are driving my cosmic bus, all I did was take off the parking brake and let them move me.
It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community and podcast — Miracle Makers. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to turning over their energy to the Divine.
Finding yourself here means that you’ve already entered the celestial portal.
Get Connected with These Community-Building Resources...
Join my online community Miracle Makers. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered angel friends is here to support you.
Check out my "MIRACLE MAKERS Podcast," I interview thought leaders and share tools that will help you amplify your awakening. Each week, I share a manifestation meditation, so you can raise your vibration and turn up your super-powers.
Want to jumpstart your birthright of intuition? Book a session with me — we'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires and dreams. From there, I’ll teach you to recognize your supernatural gifts. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable stories of awakening and awareness.
The Miracle Makers...
What's next on your angel-led journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a digital journal, to hone in on your truth . Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can continue to recognize what the angels have in store for you.
I'm so excited for you to step deeper into the abundant path of what your guides want for you. Remember, tuning into the subtleties with your senses is the first step. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today.
So many blessings to you, Starseed!
Your Archangel is... Uriel!
You're a deep thinker and the spiritual quality you embody is wisdom. You often find yourself seeking paths to enlightenment. People describe you as a “light” because you are intuitive, compassionate, and truthful! You collect quotes and poetry that harkens your quest for awakening.
Your intellect can occasionally be clouding your spiritual mind because of overthinking. Coming home to your breath is extremely important for you. You can practice connecting through breathwork meditation. Check out this ten minute guided breathwork meditation to make you feel calm and centered.
The more you clear out your thoughts, the more room you will have for the sound of your deep intuition. And intuition is the mother of manifestation.
"The quieter you become the more you are able to hear."
– Rumi
🌟 6 Signs That Angels Are Trying to Reach YOU 🌟
1. Sparkles, Orbs, and Rainbows
Many people report seeing sparks and flashes of light that can’t be explained. Angels and spirits are incredibly creative and their sole desire is to reach out to you with all the energetic tools at their disposal. It’s especially moving to see photographs that have orbs or flashes that often aren’t visible with the naked eye. Cats are particularly tuned in to seeing orbs so if your feline baby is mysteriously watching something, be sure there are angels in your midst!
2. Symbols and Treasures
Feathers, coins, stones and even trinkets from a loved one who’s crossed over are all messages from Heaven. How can you know for sure?
The feeling you have when you find them is the most important part to watch for. All living beings are wired to receive messages from the Divine but the ways we sense them may be slightly unique.
3. Sensations
Goosebumps, gut feelings, strange symptoms, and feelings of not being alone can all be ways the angels are reaching out to you from the astral plane.
4. Craving Nature
Do you ever just want to hug a tree, breath in the salty ocean air, or walk barefoot in the grass? You, my friend, are connecting with the creator and developing your supernatural gifts. Don’t brush off those cravings for nature!
5. Bells and Whispers
Often overlooked because of their association with madness, hearing ethereal things is an important way that angels try to get your attention.
The messages and sounds will always be gentle, that’s how you can tell the difference. Beyond the loudness and aggression of the world, conditioning, and negative self-talk are the peaceful sounds of the mystical!
6. Vivid Dreams
Be sure to write down your dreams upon awakening each morning. You might be surprised at the divine messages coming through!
Hello, Starseed...

I'm Shashawna Willow, angel intuitive, reiki master, and shamanic plant medicine practitioner.
As a spiritual guide, I do intuitive readings, energy work, and teach tools that I’ve developed over my 15 years as a healer.
My career began in psychology, as I knew in my heart I belonged in a helping profession. My intuitive gifts became undeniable and I was led toward more spiritual modalities. Magic and providence are driving my cosmic bus, all I did was take off the parking brake and let them move me.
It's my honor to help people manifest their dreams through my online community and podcast — Miracle Makers. I've seen countless miracles unfold for my students who have decided to commit to turning over their energy to the Divine.
Finding yourself here means that you’ve already entered the celestial portal.
Get Connected with These Community-Building Resources...
Join my online community Miracle Makers. We come together twice a month through powerful workshops. Get inspiration to call in your heart's desire and receive tons of tools to claim a deeper sense of abundance, beauty, and radiance. This global community of 100s of soul-centered angel friends is here to support you.
Check out my "MIRACLE MAKERS Podcast," I interview thought leaders and share tools that will help you amplify your awakening. Each week, I share a manifestation meditation, so you can raise your vibration and turn up your super-powers.
Want to jumpstart your birthright of intuition? Book a session with me — we'll start by getting crystal clear on your desires and dreams. From there, I’ll teach you to recognize your supernatural gifts. Check out the miracles page to read my clients' unbelievable stories of awakening and awareness.
The Miracle Makers...
What's next on your angel-led journey? Head over to your inbox for your quiz results. I've also sent you a digital journal, to hone in on your truth . Over the next week, I'll be sharing tips and affirmations so that you can continue to recognize what the angels have in store for you.
I'm so excited for you to step deeper into the abundant path of what your guides want for you. Remember, tuning into the subtleties with your senses is the first step. It all begins with how you greet the present. Find a way to celebrate how amazing you are today.
So many blessings to you, Starseed!
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