Which of the four CLAIRS is your intuitive gift?
So, you’re gaining awareness of your cosmic gifts but you’re longing for clarity?✨ Take the quiz to find out which of the four clairs is your special brand of psychic magic. Are you Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Claircognizant, or Clairaudient? Also, find your people and get direction from those who’ve honed their intuitive inheritance 🦄 💜
Quiz Transcript
Which of the four CLAIRS is your intuitive gift?
So, you’re gaining awareness of your cosmic gifts but you’re longing for clarity?✨ Take the quiz to find out which of the four clairs is your special brand of psychic magic. Are you Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Claircognizant, or Clairaudient? Also, find your people and get direction from those who’ve honed their intuitive inheritance 🦄 💜
Which form of creative expression resonates with you most strongly?
Color and visual art
Music, singing bowls, chanting, and poetry readings
Crystals, stones, and connecting with nature
Cooking, baking, and enjoying good food with others
1 / 9
What's your M.O. with big life decisions?
I ask my besties and loved ones for lots of advice. But in the end, I go with my gut.
I tend to visualize all of my options before deciding.
I listen to my gurus and positive affirmations and then wait for answers from the Universe.
Good vibes only. I tend to gravitate toward things that feel right.
2 / 9
What BEST describes your relationship to spirituality?
I'm not sure if I'm into all this spiritual stuff, but self-care is something I can get behind.
I just started on my spiritual path. I'm having a blast taking in all the knowledge I can. I love YouTube and the self help section of my bookstore!
I've been practicing different modalities of spirituality for some time. I love connecting in online groups. It's rewarding to learn from others!
I have a strong faith that's the anchor of my life.
I have a daily meditation and journaling practice. I’m kind of an introvert.
3 / 9
It's date night! What can your sweetie do to win you over?
Curate a romantic, relaxed night in. Featuring: a bouquet of fresh roses, eye-gazing, candlelight, soft music, and a delicious, home-cooked meal.
Treat me to a sizzling night out with champagne, romance, the excitement of high heels on cobble-stone streets... and a little bit of mystery.
Whisk me away to an exclusive art opening. We'll be schmoozing in style, and people watching up a storm. Plus the art is actually good!
Take me to see my favorite band perform an intimate set. The acoustics are on point, and we're getting swept up in song. Bonus points: we go backstage and chill with the band into the wee hours!
4 / 9
What do you MOST struggle with when it comes to self-love?
I tend to be tuned into what everyone else needs and forget about me.
I have a lot of resistance to things I know are good for me.
I'm pretty self-critical. It's challenging for me to be kind to myself.
I don't always trust my feelings. It's hard for me to let myself go.
5 / 9
What's your interpersonal superpower?
I almost always know if someone's telling the truth. I'm a natural born lie-detector.
I feel people's feelings easily. It's super easy for me to step into someone else's shoes.
I have a knack for seeing what makes a person beautiful.
I can read between the lines of what someone is trying to say.
6 / 9
Which heartfelt words do you naturally use in your communication?
I hear you
I feel you
I see you
I know what you mean
7 / 9
You're planning a spiritual vacay! What's on your itinerary?
I love going anywhere that I can indulge in lots of barefoot beachcombing.
A drum making retreat on Orcas Island. You actually make your own drum and join in drum circles!
We're going to Iceland to take in the natural hot springs and spas. I can't wait to feel totally nourished and serene!
Open air art classes followed by sunsets in Bali. The beauty of creation lights me up!
8 / 9
Your genie is going to grant you one wish for your spiritual path. What do you choose?
I've finally found my spiritual community. I'm surrounded by soul friends. I feel like I'm home.
I've discovered the healing modality that helps me break through all the blocks. I'm feeling healed, whole, and transformed.
I've unlocked my skills as an intuitive channel. I receive messages so clearly that I can give powerful readings to myself and others.
I've become the healer that I've always wished to be. I'm so excited to help others heal their bodies, minds, and souls.
I now have the key to manifesting complete abundance and magical synchronicities in my life.
9 / 9
Your Intuitive gift is… Clairvoyance
Oh hey, friend, I see you! You take the word "visionary" to another stratosphere.
As a clairvoyant, your vision is your connection point to all the answers of the Universe.
The fact that you’re a seer also makes you an incredible leader. You easily tap into new creative ideas and deep truths and help others get clear.
As you hone your intuition, you may even be able to one day see the future. So yes, you're basically an oracle!
Here's a tip to harness your intuitive superpower...
Sometimes the quick pace of your inspiration makes it hard for others to keep up. To outsiders, your stream of new ideas and insights may seem chaotic or disjointed.
In order to put people (and your mind) at ease, take some time to slow down and be present with others. Try to do one thing at a time.
It's also important for you to regularly indulge in alone time so that you’re open to receive all the guidance waiting in the quantum field for you.
"That is what the intuition is for: it is the direct messenger of the soul." — Clarissa Pinkola Estes
🌜3 Tools To Help Sharpen your Esoteric Gifts🌛
1. Tune inward
You have all the answers within you! Learn to See, feel, hear and know them on the daily 😉
Even though you have a strong penchant for one intuitive skill, don’t forget you have all 4 of them!
Here's a simple energy tuning exercise…
Find a quiet spot, sit with a long spine, and close your eyes. Tuck your chin in toward your neck and slow your breath. Picture a large golden orb in front of you.
Think about sending everything you no longer need into a bright orb. Breathe in the light and then Breathe out what's no longer serving you.
Imagine that the orb is filling you with fresh energy, replacing all the stagnant energy that’s built up. Spend at least 10 minutes with this exercise. Use a meditation timer so you’re not tempted to check the time.
When you feel ready, open your eyes and return to the space by wiggling your fingers and toes.
2. Keep a vision journal
Before you meditate, send an intention out into the Universe to give you visions and dreams. Then, as soon as you open your eyes, jot down what comes to you. Journaling is best done as a stream, don’t think about it just let the words flow through you.
Read through your vision journal once a month and on a new page summarize any anomalies or consistencies you see. You’ll be surprised at what your higher wisdom is telling you!
3. Ground yourself
When your feet hit the floor in the morning take a moment to visualize energetic roots going down deep below you. Get to know what that feels like to ground yourself. Even better, make it a daily practice to put your bare feet into the dirt and sense the electromagnetic energy field of mother Earth.
If you live somewhere where natural grounding isn’t possible, electric Earthing Mats are available to enjoy in your own home.
Make time to be conscious of your psychic abilities… expansion means YES and contraction means NO!
Follow your heart...

Hello dear Oracles! I'm Esther Seraphim Schmidt… teacher, mentor, and intuitive guide. I grew up in Germany, then spent ten years as a nomadic yogi. After hearing the call 5 years ago, to settle in one place I found my way to the magical Hawaiian islands 🌺🏄♀️
As an actualization coach and spiritual guide, I share tools honed over my lifetime of studying the spiritual arts.
Every month, I hold space for 1000s of lightworkers inside my online community, heART lab.
My intuitive work has been featured in Intuitive Today, Oracle Magazine, and on Sweet Magic podcast.
I truly believe that everyone is intuitive. With a few tips and tricks, you can unlock your natural gifts so that you can:
🌟Flourish in confidence with your intuitive gifts
💫Receive inner guidance to magnetize your ideal life path
⭐ Get clear on goals and see them materialize
✨Live your soul's mission in life
It's my deep intention that this work nourishes you and helps you uncover your limitless power!
🐚 Dive deeper 🌊
New podcast episodes drop every Friday "heART Lab Radio!" You'll learn tips to enhance every moment of your day with magic and joy. I bring in the world's leading awakening experts to help you get clear on your soul path, heal your life, and love yourself more fully!
Join THE heART LAB PORTAL to get your soul-fam fix. The Portal is my online community for spiritual peeps just like you! You'll feel like you're finally hanging out with the people who totally get you. It's a space to share stories, shed some truth tears, and feel seen. You also get VIP access to all my workshops and events.
Let’s figure out which clair is your superpower? Book a call with me. I'll help you get the clear on how the divine is communicating with you and what you need to move forward. ✨🔮✨
The Psychic Connection
Watch your inbox for my Understanding The Four Intuitions digital booklet, so you can easily refer back to your intuitive action steps.
You'll also be hearing from me over the next few days, with tools to own your gifts.
You’re in exactly the right place, beautiful soul! As you hone your spiritual gifts, you give space for others to do the same.
🦄 Bowing to you, Unicorn! 🙏🏼
Your Intuitive gift is… Claircognizance
Your intuitive powers knock people's socks off. Because you just know things. You often know things about your friends before they do!
As a seer, you receive guidance with a visceral sense of knowing. This doesn't necessarily mean you see the future (although it could!)
Your insights are more likely to appear as a gut sense from that still small voice within.
Remember, tapping deeper into your gift means taking time to quiet mind chatter and the distractions of the world.
In fact, stillness is one of the ways you can communicate with the divine.
Here are some tips to support your intuitive journey…
Let go of perfectionism and listen to the quiet loving messages instead of the loud chaotic ones.
Try not to be so hard on yourself when it takes time for your visions to manifest.
Give your dreams time to blossom!
"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil." — James Lane Allen
🌜3 Tools To Help Sharpen your Esoteric Gifts🌛
1. Tune inward
You have all the answers within you! Learn to See, feel, hear and know them on the daily 😉
Even though you have a strong penchant for one intuitive skill, don’t forget you have all 4 of them!
Here's a simple energy tuning exercise…
Find a quiet spot, sit with a long spine, and close your eyes. Tuck your chin in toward your neck and slow your breath. Picture a large golden orb in front of you.
Think about sending everything you no longer need into a bright orb. Breathe in the light and then Breathe out what's no longer serving you.
Imagine that the orb is filling you with fresh energy, replacing all the stagnant energy that’s built up. Spend at least 10 minutes with this exercise. Use a meditation timer so you’re not tempted to check the time.
When you feel ready, open your eyes and return to the space by wiggling your fingers and toes.
2. Keep a vision journal
Before you meditate, send an intention out into the Universe to give you visions and dreams. Then, as soon as you open your eyes, jot down what comes to you. Journaling is best done as a stream, don’t think about it just let the words flow through you.
Read through your vision journal once a month and on a new page summarize any anomalies or consistencies you see. You’ll be surprised at what your higher wisdom is telling you!
3. Ground yourself
When your feet hit the floor in the morning take a moment to visualize energetic roots going down deep below you. Get to know what that feels like to ground yourself. Even better, make it a daily practice to put your bare feet into the dirt and sense the electromagnetic energy field of mother Earth.
If you live somewhere where natural grounding isn’t possible, electric Earthing Mats are available to enjoy in your own home.
Make time to be conscious of your psychic abilities… expansion means YES and contraction means NO!
Follow your heart...

Hello dear Oracles! I'm Esther Seraphim Schmidt… teacher, mentor, and intuitive guide. I grew up in Germany, then spent ten years as a nomadic yogi. After hearing the call 5 years ago, to settle in one place I found my way to the magical Hawaiian islands 🌺🏄♀️
As an actualization coach and spiritual guide, I share tools honed over my lifetime of studying the spiritual arts.
Every month, I hold space for 1000s of lightworkers inside my online community, heART lab.
My intuitive work has been featured in Intuitive Today, Oracle Magazine, and on Sweet Magic podcast.
I truly believe that everyone is intuitive. With a few tips and tricks, you can unlock your natural gifts so that you can:
🌟Flourish in confidence with your intuitive gifts
💫Receive inner guidance to magnetize your ideal life path
⭐ Get clear on goals and see them materialize
✨Live your soul's mission in life
It's my deep intention that this work nourishes you and helps you uncover your limitless power!
🐚 Dive deeper 🌊
New podcast episodes drop every Friday "heART Lab Radio!" You'll learn tips to enhance every moment of your day with magic and joy. I bring in the world's leading awakening experts to help you get clear on your soul path, heal your life, and love yourself more fully!
Join THE heART LAB PORTAL to get your soul-fam fix. The Portal is my online community for spiritual peeps just like you! You'll feel like you're finally hanging out with the people who totally get you. It's a space to share stories, shed some truth tears, and feel seen. You also get VIP access to all my workshops and events.
Let’s figure out which clair is your superpower? Book a call with me. I'll help you get the clear on how the divine is communicating with you and what you need to move forward. ✨🔮✨
The Psychic Connection
Watch your inbox for my Understanding The Four Intuitions digital booklet, so you can easily refer back to your intuitive action steps.
You'll also be hearing from me over the next few days, with tools to own your gifts.
You’re in exactly the right place, beautiful soul! As you hone your spiritual gifts, you give space for others to do the same.
🦄 Bowing to you, Unicorn! 🙏🏼
Your Intuitive gift is… Clairsentience
Friend, you're giving me chills! That's because your sense of touch is like a tuning fork for the divine.
You're an emotional wizard, making you a master of compassion and human emotion. You're also likely to be empathic when it comes to crystals, plants, and animals. Your spidey senses perk up as strong feelings, chills, and gut reactions.
You feel it all! Including the emotions of others.
The magical gift of your sentience?
At your core, you know that you're one with everything.
You're also a natural healer. Modalities like reiki, crystal healing, and any form of energy healing are in your cards.
Here are some tips to help balance your sensitive nature:
Because you feel people's feelings, boundaries can be difficult for you. But with strong boundaries in place, you don't have to feel other people's "stuff" so strongly. You can more effectively hold space for yourself and others. Techniques that clear and protect your energy will help you to keep your boundaries strong.
You get so much sensory info all the time, it's important for you to feel physically comfortable. Pay attention to what environments feel safe and good to you. And let yourself gravitate towards them.
"When you’re sensitive, you’re alive in every sense of this word in this wildly beautiful world. Sensitivity is your strength. Keep soaking in the light and spreading it to others.” — Victoria Erickson
🌜3 Tools To Help Sharpen your Esoteric Gifts🌛
1. Tune inward
You have all the answers within you! Learn to See, feel, hear and know them on the daily 😉
Even though you have a strong penchant for one intuitive skill, don’t forget you have all 4 of them!
Here's a simple energy tuning exercise…
Find a quiet spot, sit with a long spine, and close your eyes. Tuck your chin in toward your neck and slow your breath. Picture a large golden orb in front of you.
Think about sending everything you no longer need into a bright orb. Breathe in the light and then Breathe out what's no longer serving you.
Imagine that the orb is filling you with fresh energy, replacing all the stagnant energy that’s built up. Spend at least 10 minutes with this exercise. Use a meditation timer so you’re not tempted to check the time.
When you feel ready, open your eyes and return to the space by wiggling your fingers and toes.
2. Keep a vision journal
Before you meditate, send an intention out into the Universe to give you visions and dreams. Then, as soon as you open your eyes, jot down what comes to you. Journaling is best done as a stream, don’t think about it just let the words flow through you.
Read through your vision journal once a month and on a new page summarize any anomalies or consistencies you see. You’ll be surprised at what your higher wisdom is telling you!
3. Ground yourself
When your feet hit the floor in the morning take a moment to visualize energetic roots going down deep below you. Get to know what that feels like to ground yourself. Even better, make it a daily practice to put your bare feet into the dirt and sense the electromagnetic energy field of mother Earth.
If you live somewhere where natural grounding isn’t possible, electric Earthing Mats are available to enjoy in your own home.
Make time to be conscious of your psychic abilities… expansion means YES and contraction means NO!
Follow your heart...

Hello dear Oracles! I'm Esther Seraphim Schmidt… teacher, mentor, and intuitive guide. I grew up in Germany, then spent ten years as a nomadic yogi. After hearing the call 5 years ago, to settle in one place I found my way to the magical Hawaiian islands 🌺🏄♀️
As an actualization coach and spiritual guide, I share tools honed over my lifetime of studying the spiritual arts.
Every month, I hold space for 1000s of lightworkers inside my online community, heART lab.
My intuitive work has been featured in Intuitive Today, Oracle Magazine, and on Sweet Magic podcast.
I truly believe that everyone is intuitive. With a few tips and tricks, you can unlock your natural gifts so that you can:
🌟Flourish in confidence with your intuitive gifts
💫Receive inner guidance to magnetize your ideal life path
⭐ Get clear on goals and see them materialize
✨Live your soul's mission in life
It's my deep intention that this work nourishes you and helps you uncover your limitless power!
🐚 Dive deeper 🌊
New podcast episodes drop every Friday "heART Lab Radio!" You'll learn tips to enhance every moment of your day with magic and joy. I bring in the world's leading awakening experts to help you get clear on your soul path, heal your life, and love yourself more fully!
Join THE heART LAB PORTAL to get your soul-fam fix. The Portal is my online community for spiritual peeps just like you! You'll feel like you're finally hanging out with the people who totally get you. It's a space to share stories, shed some truth tears, and feel seen. You also get VIP access to all my workshops and events.
Let’s figure out which clair is your superpower? Book a call with me. I'll help you get the clear on how the divine is communicating with you and what you need to move forward. ✨🔮✨
The Psychic Connection
Watch your inbox for my Understanding The Four Intuitions digital booklet, so you can easily refer back to your intuitive action steps.
You'll also be hearing from me over the next few days, with tools to own your gifts.
You’re in exactly the right place, beautiful soul! As you hone your spiritual gifts, you give space for others to do the same.
🦄 Bowing to you, Unicorn! 🙏🏼
Your Intuitive gift is... Clairaudience
What was that? Oh, just another frequency! You are tuned into a deeper level of listening than most.
As a clairaudient, your mind is strong and supple. Your gift for hearing may mean that you may naturally work with music, song, poetry, and the written or spoken word.
Because you receive guidance through sound, you may even talk to yourself from time to time. Which is cool, because that's how you make sense of the world.
Your hearing superpower is also a natural lie detector. You know immediately when someone is being untruthful with you. As you open your intuition, you may very well "hear" the answer to your questions. Like the divine is literally speaking to you.
Here are some tips to free up your intuition...
Because you have a keen awareness, it can be hard for you to trust your intuition. But you are more intuitive than you think. Practice trusting yourself. Trust your messages.
As a fun way to stretch your comfort zone, suspend your disbelief from time to time!
Spiritual modalities that work through sound and music can be profoundly healing for you. Think sound bowls, drumming, and mantra. You're also likely to be an incredible practitioner of these sonic healing arts.
"Faith requires following the power of a whisper. "– Shannon L. Alder
🌜3 Tools To Help Sharpen your Esoteric Gifts🌛
1. Tune inward
You have all the answers within you! Learn to See, feel, hear and know them on the daily 😉
Even though you have a strong penchant for one intuitive skill, don’t forget you have all 4 of them!
Here's a simple energy tuning exercise…
Find a quiet spot, sit with a long spine, and close your eyes. Tuck your chin in toward your neck and slow your breath. Picture a large golden orb in front of you.
Think about sending everything you no longer need into a bright orb. Breathe in the light and then Breathe out what's no longer serving you.
Imagine that the orb is filling you with fresh energy, replacing all the stagnant energy that’s built up. Spend at least 10 minutes with this exercise. Use a meditation timer so you’re not tempted to check the time.
When you feel ready, open your eyes and return to the space by wiggling your fingers and toes.
2. Keep a vision journal
Before you meditate, send an intention out into the Universe to give you visions and dreams. Then, as soon as you open your eyes, jot down what comes to you. Journaling is best done as a stream, don’t think about it just let the words flow through you.
Read through your vision journal once a month and on a new page summarize any anomalies or consistencies you see. You’ll be surprised at what your higher wisdom is telling you!
3. Ground yourself
When your feet hit the floor in the morning take a moment to visualize energetic roots going down deep below you. Get to know what that feels like to ground yourself. Even better, make it a daily practice to put your bare feet into the dirt and sense the electromagnetic energy field of mother Earth.
If you live somewhere where natural grounding isn’t possible, electric Earthing Mats are available to enjoy in your own home.
Make time to be conscious of your psychic abilities… expansion means YES and contraction means NO!
Follow your heart...

Hello dear Oracles! I'm Esther Seraphim Schmidt… teacher, mentor, and intuitive guide. I grew up in Germany, then spent ten years as a nomadic yogi. After hearing the call 5 years ago, to settle in one place I found my way to the magical Hawaiian islands 🌺🏄♀️
As an actualization coach and spiritual guide, I share tools honed over my lifetime of studying the spiritual arts.
Every month, I hold space for 1000s of lightworkers inside my online community, heART lab.
My intuitive work has been featured in Intuitive Today, Oracle Magazine, and on Sweet Magic podcast.
I truly believe that everyone is intuitive. With a few tips and tricks, you can unlock your natural gifts so that you can:
🌟Flourish in confidence with your intuitive gifts
💫Receive inner guidance to magnetize your ideal life path
⭐ Get clear on goals and see them materialize
✨Live your soul's mission in life
It's my deep intention that this work nourishes you and helps you uncover your limitless power!
🐚 Dive deeper 🌊
New podcast episodes drop every Friday "heART Lab Radio!" You'll learn tips to enhance every moment of your day with magic and joy. I bring in the world's leading awakening experts to help you get clear on your soul path, heal your life, and love yourself more fully!
Join THE heART LAB PORTAL to get your soul-fam fix. The Portal is my online community for spiritual peeps just like you! You'll feel like you're finally hanging out with the people who totally get you. It's a space to share stories, shed some truth tears, and feel seen. You also get VIP access to all my workshops and events.
Let’s figure out which clair is your superpower? Book a call with me. I'll help you get the clear on how the divine is communicating with you and what you need to move forward. ✨🔮✨
The Psychic Connection
Watch your inbox for my Understanding The Four Intuitions digital booklet, so you can easily refer back to your intuitive action steps.
You'll also be hearing from me over the next few days, with tools to own your gifts.
You’re in exactly the right place, beautiful soul! As you hone your spiritual gifts, you give space for others to do the same.
🦄 Bowing to you, Unicorn! 🙏🏼
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