Your style is...Dark and moody
"Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and find [your style] you will." - Yoda
The force is strong with you. Emotional force, that is. Emotions play a big role in what you desire to evoke through your work. Romantic, intimate moments are your forte, and dark, warm colors enhance that sweet feeling. Bold shadows and muted highlights bring out details in lighter parts of each image, and the darks are nearly black.
What this says about YOU: You get to the heart of the matter. You're emotive and expressive. Your work is your art, and you likely have a strong desire to show others how much you love the medium of photography.
Tricky lighting situations might just be your Darth Vader, especially when keeping your post-processing consistent. How do you keep those images on a bright, sunny day consistent next to those images shot on a dark, rainy day? Sigh.
Never fear. (Fear is the path to the dark side.)
If you need some help with editing those tricky lighting situations, we've got what you need.