You are like Sylvia Acevedo
You are a woman of many talents who uses her engineering skills to serve her community. You are persistent in the face of obstacles, overcoming them through hard work and your calm, focused demeanor. People trust you to lead them, and you are both passionate and articulate when you focus on your areas of strength. You consider who you work for less important than the potential impact you can have on the world. You enjoy personal connections with others and are a role-model for other women.
Your modern female engineer personality match is Sylvia Acevedo. Who is Sylvia? She is the current CEO of Girl Scouts USA, a nonprofit with a mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Sylvia moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico as a young child, where some of her teachers discouraged her from following her scientific interests. Sylvia has a B.S. degree in industrial engineering and a M.S. in systems engineering, and started her career as a rocket scientist in NASA’s jet propulsion lab. She has also worked at multiple corporations, including Dell, Autodesk, IBM, and Apple Computer. She is an advocate for girls’ and women’s causes in underserved communities, wrote an inspirational memoir for young women, and tours the country speaking about her experiences and encouraging young women to follow their dreams. Sylvia has won numerous awards for both her advocacy and technical work.
Want to know more about Sylvia? Check out http://sylviaacevedo.org/