You are disconnected to your Intuitive Eater...
Below are the different types of eaters! Which one do you feel like you identify with most? Read the descriptions below...
The Unconscious Eater. Another word for this would be mindless eating. Unconscious eaters are often not aware of what or why they are eating, usually because they are eating while doing something else – whether that is working, watching TV, driving, or using their phone. I see this with almost everyone I work with. We are so connected and so busy, that we don’t take time to sit down and really pay attention to the food that we are eating. Have you ever sat down on the couch with a bag pretzels (or any snack food) and the next thing you know the bag or box is empty? You didn't even notice you were eating the food?
The Refuse-Not Unconscious Eater. If you have trouble turning down food or saying no to something, even if you’re not hungry, you’ll identify with the refuse-not eater. Refuse-not eaters are often unaware that they are eating, and are eating because the food is there in front of them. Refuse-not eaters have trouble saying no to anyone: grandma offering cookies, uncle suggesting a second helping, or a waiter bringing around free dessert...no matter what a refuse-not eater won't say no.
The Waste-Not Eater. If you worry about throwing away uneaten food because it’s wasteful and you have a “clean your plate” mentality, you’ll identify with this eating style. Another common sign is feeling like you always have to finish your plate at restaurants or else you are "wasting your money".
The Chaotic Eater. If you have a really busy life and feel like you just eat whatever is available, you’re probably a chaotic unconscious eater. This could mean eating whenever you have a break in your day regardless if you’re hungry since you aren’t sure when you’ll get another chance to eat. It could mean feeling hungry and not having food prepared, so grabbing whatever is available. If you’re a chaotic eater, you may go long stretches where you don’t eat at all because you’re so busy.
The Emotional Eater. Plain and simple...emotional eaters use food to cope with their emotions. Whether you’re stressed, anxious, sad, lonely, or overwhelmed, but it can also be eating for happy or joyful reasons too. If you find that you are often eating when you aren’t hungry, it could be that you emotionally eating without even realizing it.
Professional Dieter. This eating describes the person who is always trying a new diet and has been on (and off) diets for years. They know every calorie count of every product, every portion size on every label, and feel that they have mastered every new trend that comes out.
The Careful Eater. Careful eaters appear to be very "health conscious" and are always making decisions based on the nutrition content. They are hyper-aware of what they put in their body and extremely careful of what they allowed to go into their body. If they eat anything they don’t deem “health”, they end up feeling guilt or shame. Careful eaters spend a lot of time worrying about what they are going to eat. Often times careful eaters are vigilant Monday through Friday, then “cheat” on the weekends. Careful eaters are the ones that bring meal prepped food to party that already has delicious, catered food.
If you strongly identify with one of these forms of eating, Intuitive Eating can help you make peace with food! Click below to fill out a short application to get support with our Find Food Freedom Team!