The Untimed Mock Exam is best for you!
Why did we recommend this one?Since you're planning to take the exam quite soon, it will be best for you to get a feel for the exam format, and see where you stand. This 160 question BCBA® mock exam matches the content and structure of the real BCBA® certification exam. There is no time limit for this exam and you can pause and resume it as many times as you need. One attempt is allotted. This exam is administered through our online testing dashboard, which is designed to simulate the experience of the real BCBA® certification exam (1 question per page, ability to scroll back through answers, ability to review all answers before submitting, etc). Our BCBA® mock exams are based off of the BACB's® 4th Edition Task List.If you have time, after you complete Mock Exam A you should also take Mock Exam B. 99% of people who pass both of our mock exams included in this package go on to pass the real BCBA® exam!Each Mock Exam (which includes answer explanations) is currently on sale for $38! Click below to buy and get started. We can't wait to StudyABA with you!