Scripture: John 10:10 The PROSPERITY Success Language is focused on feeling fulfilled with building inner security, healthy communications, and developing a synergy of life. You are dedicated to activities that release endorphins, that lift your mood and provide added energy, prevent health problems, relieve stress, and cope with mental ups and downs. Your CORE VALUES are -Spiritual Health, Physical Health, Mental Health, RelationshipsGOALSBalanced and aligned lifeManage outside forces from impacting my internal worldPhysically fitDeep connections with the world and people around meMentaL aptitudeSTRENGTHSTeam PlayerLoyalReliable and dependableGood Listener; EmpatheticUnderstandingLIMITATIONS Your focus and drive sometimes doesn't leave a lot of room for fun or doesn't allow you to let my hair down. Prosperity Success Language resists change and takes longer to adapt. You find yourself holding grudges when offended and are sensitive to criticism.GREATEST FEARLoss of security