Your Ego Is In the Driver's Seat (But Your Soul Is Ready to Take the Wheel)
You know that amazing feeling when you're enjoying life so much, time flies by and everything feels in alignment? That's your soul, your true self! But people with a soulability score like yours often fall prey to the negative thoughts of the ego. It pulls you out of the present moment and convinces you that your joyful, true nature isn't real life. But the good news is that, while your ego may still have a bit more influence at the moment, your score shows that you're ready to live more by the guidance of your soul. You want to be driven more toward joy, empowerment and inner peace on your life journey.You just need more practice staying soul centered, which isn't hard to do if you're willing to be persistent. The button below will instantly reveal a full report specific to your result. There are also free resources and book recommendations to help you get unstuck and moving toward a soul driven life.