Things are up an down. Sometimes you feel like you need to crack the whip when other times you feel like you are running an engaged team.
There are two basic approaches a manager has toward his staff and many shades in between. We call these theory X and Y. If you want to know more about these two types of management styles, click on this link: https://www.rpmc.solutions/single-post/what-kind-of-a-manager-ar-you)You switch between X and Y management styles. Sometimes warm and supportive and other times, dark clouds and thunder. WHY WOULD THAT BE?It is clear that adapting a Y style of management will produce more engaged and supportive staff. You know that. But there are situations in your company and with the staff under you that disengage some of your staff. This when balls get dropped, drama shows its ugly head and tempers flare. As a results, the effort of your staff are not consistent. By pure necessity and because the work needs to be done, you are forced to adapt a X management style and crack the whip so as to speak. This is not something you enjoy doing but necessity is forcing you to. Factually, you would rather have an engaged team that you could trust and that would work WITH you in the accomplishment of your goals. My point is that you do not have a stable scene yet. There are reasons that brings this about. Personnel disengagement and lack of motivation has its sources. By addressing these, you can create an atmosphere where your staff are engaged and working the extra mile to back you up. Your stress level goes down and you can achieve some peace of mind. Wouldn't that be nice? As you read this, you might be telling yourself, "That's great but how do I tackle that?"Well, you are about to find out in the Employee Engagement Booster Program!