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What is your Attachment Style?Check your email to see how your attachment style relates to your relationships. Why am I so passionate about attachment styles? Read on... Hey there, it's nice to meet you!My name is Dr. Lee LeGrice. I'm a psychotherapist with offices in Denver, Colorado and Fort Worth, Texas. In my practice I focus on two main areas: anxiety and relationships. A specialty of mine is helping people create safe, secure, loving relationships. Ok Let's face it, relationships are challenging! Healthy relationships don't just happen, they take work!The Relationship Attachment Style Quiz is based on attachment theory. I know sometimes theories can be complicated but this one makes SO MUCH SENSE why we do what we do in our relationships. It will change your life, because it has absolutely changed mine! It has helped me understand some of my own struggles with relationships and make sense of things in my life, especially the things that happened when I was little. I've learned that although I did not get to choose parents who were nurturing, emotionally available, or free from addiction; I DO get to choose the relationships I am in now. It allowed me to see patterns that developed early in my life that actually helped me survive some pretty tough circumstances. I can also see that these early strategies, like to keep myself distant and protected are no longer necessary in many situations and I have learned to set them aside and reach for my trusted others in vulnerable ways. EXCEPT of course when I get triggered then those protective strategies come back in full force…helping me protect myself.I feel passionate about putting Attachment Theory into practice for myself and for my clients. And I want the same for you. Want more help creating your ideal relationship?1. Get The Connection Plan. Learn practical steps to build the security you've been longing for.2. Check out my Blog! I post regularly on topics ranging from how to deal with conflict to how to have tough conversations. 3. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram You’re going to come away knowing how to build positive habits!