Your gut health needs some attention!
Things aren't looking great... let's see what some of your issues may be from.You've been feeling a bit uncomfortable. We're a little concerned with your result. While this gut assessment covers the basics, it’s a fairly good indication of your current gut health right now. Most people we survey fall into this category and there is a lot that you can do to turn things around. What am I doing wrong?The digestive system is complex, so often there are multiple reasons why you end up with poor gut health. Let's break down some of your answers and see if we can help. People in this category do very well with our online GoodGutz Program. It teaches you how to identify gut issues, what causes them and how to fix them. It's backed by science and clinical experience and you can check it out here.Bloating, Indigestion or RefluxBloating is a feeling of abdominal discomfort that can be visible or non-visible. What is happening is that partially digested food, or reactive food particles are causing inflammation, excessive gas or fluid production which leads to abdominal distention and discomfort.Indigestion and reflux are sensations that indicate that food is not being digested easily and results in discomfort and even pain. Reflux is one of the most common digestive complains that Australian’s suffer from. The acidity of the stomach contents causes a burning like pain and can lead to inflammation and erosion of the oesophagus. Burping and bloating can also occur.In reality, much of the origin of these types of acid-related issues are actually caused by low stomach acid levels.The most common foods that cause bloating and indigestion are wheat and gluten containing products and dairy. Let talk about poo!Your bowel movements are great indicators of your gut health status. Healthy bowel habits look like this:You pass 1-3 bowel movements every dayThey are formed, like a log. A number 3-4 on the Bristol Stool ChartYou pass them easily, without the need to strainYou feel properly evacuated or ‘empty’ afterwardsConstipation, diarrhoea, loose stools or other irregularities all indicate there is an issue. Based on your report, you have some issues in this area. The longer your bowel movements remain irregular, the longer your inner balance is disturbed. Causes of loose stools include food intolerances, dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance), stress, parasites and inflammatory gut conditions. Gas and WindIt is normal for humans to pass some wind. When it is excessive, it indicates that there is either dysbiosis of the microbiome (your bacteria are whack) or that you’re eating the wrong foods. Signs that things aren’t healthy include passing wind all day long, passing large amounts (that might be embarrassing) or smelly wind, which indicates putrefaction and an unhealthy fermentation by your gut bacteria. If you're windy you need to alter your diet and rebalance the healthy bacteria in your gut. This is a focus in our GoodGutz Program, where we're looking to restore this natural balance. Stress and the GutThe one thing that you also need to consider is the effect of stress on the gut. When we’re stressed it down regulates your digestion and can alter your microbiome in a negative way. We are all stressed to some degree, so we need to make sure we are carving out me time.Sometimes getting to the bottom of gut issues can be tricky and it is worth checking in with a qualified naturopath or other integrative health specialist to find out what the cause is.Ready to make a headstart on your Gut Health? Try these 3 strategies...1. Download your Good Gut Guide! This great guide provides you with ten simple tips to improve your gut, energy and mood. Download your free copy.2. Register for the GoodGutz Program. Based on your results you'd do really well becoming a member of our GoodGutz Program. It's a six week program based on clinical experience and the latest research to help you restore your gut health. To register for the next intake click here.3. Investigate the Root Cause! Or if you would prefer to get started straight away with a one-on-one naturopathic consultation, and find out more about comprehensive stool testing, choose your preferred time.Begin, anywhere, anytime.Hello, I’m Cassandra Cook ✨I’m a naturopath who helps people — just like you — achieve better health.I’ve had my own health challenges and spent many years learning to overcome digestive and anxiety issues. So I get it!I understand that sometimes it is difficult to know where to start making changes.Health can be complex; my aim is to give you clarity, educate and inspire you to achieve your health goals. My specialty is in treating gut, anxiety and hormonal issues, with a focus on determining the underlying cause and alleviating your symptoms.Are you ready to start feeling better?Check out these amazing resources for .1. Checkout this post on my blog. I breakdown the Gut-Brain connection + how it may be affecting more than your moods.2. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for health inspiration! From nutritional tips, recipes, self-care ideas, to my favorite guided meditations, I’ve got you covered!Plus expect to see me in your inbox with health and nutrition tips ✨