You’re a… Vata dosha!
YOUR PERSONALITY You are easy to get excited about things, fun to be with, and a great conversationalist. You love to travel, explore and learn about new things. You might have an affinity for the creative arts or just in general can think out of the box about many things. Am I right?But.......your excitement might make you skip from one thing to the next, without completing it. Keep you from having a (boring) routine and on the go all the time. You might have FOMO and are always planning your next trip. This might leave you exhausted and depleted. YOUR BODYYou have a slender build, low body weight, and might even have a hard time putting on weight. But not all vatas are slim, you might have some weight around your waist that is stubborn to lose. Your skin can be thin, cool to the touch, and dry. Do you always have cold feet and hands? “Vata's are creative beings with many interests” Three common struggles for vatas 1) Constipation, gas, and bloating — Ugh, this is uncomfortable. Due to dry and cold quality food might not be digested smoothly and stay in you longer than you would like! 2) Anxiety and stress. You are always moving, maybe not always physical, but for sure mentally. You are quick and live inside your head. This can be ungrounding and cause anxiety and increased stress. 3) Cold hands and feet. Are you always feeling cold? You can't seem to warm up your hands and are wearing three pairs of socks? You are vata! Read below what to do! Hi, 👋 I’m Christa de Ridder, a certified Ayurveda Health Coach, and so excited for the next steps on your health journey. Ayurveda was my saviour after years of trying to find a fix for my constipation and anxiety. I tried so many things: doctors, diets, natural remedies, superfoods, supplements, and fasts, but nothing really stuck and it left me feeling helpless and tired. I learned that imbalances start with improper diet and lifestyle and once I started making small changes, I started feeling the benefits and my constipation is now history! Are you ready to do the same? Three tips to get you back into balance1) Hydrate and lubricate! — Sip warm water during the day and add healthy oils to your diet to lubricate the body. 2) Relieve stress and anxiety — Develop a stress-relieving practice that is grounding, like gentle yoga, a slow walk in the forest, meditation, or yoga nidra. Literally putting your bare feet in the earth would do wonders! 3) Stay warm and comfortable at all times — Wear comfortable, warm clothing, make your house hygge, and eat lots of warm and liquid soups to warm you from the inside out. P.S. Even though vatas love their coffee, it can be a challenge for them. Coffee can cause anxiety to spike, increase constipation, and have a drying effect. No good for vatas! Want to know more about your dosha?