Your wellbeing is… needs some attention!
You’re experiencing some significant signs of stress. Pay close attention to your lifestyle and reconsider your current diet, exercise and relaxation status. Make yourself and your wellbeing priority number one and use your support network. Ready to boost your resilience to stress? Start with small changes in your routine, try these 4 strategies...1. USE YOUR SUPPORT NETWORK Whether it is talking with a friend, a family member, counsellor or group, having someone to talk to about what is going on in your life is incredibly beneficial. Don’t underestimate the importance of a good chat.2. TAKE TIME-OUT Take time for yourself where you are not thinking about what is causing you stress or unease. This could be reading a book, having a relaxing bath, going for a walk, meditating, or mindfully breathing for 10 minutes. Click for more ideas. 3. YOU CAN SAY “NO” It is alright to say “no” to someone’s request. Often, we create extra stress and anxiety for ourselves by taking on too much. If you do not have the time or the energy to do something, you have the right to say no, without feeling guilty.4. MAKE A PLAN Be prepared and plan ahead if you know something stressful is coming up. Start to think of strategies you could use during this time. Begin, anywhere, anytime.Hello, I’m Cassandra Cook ✨I’m a naturopath who helps people — just like you — achieve better health.I’ve had my own health challenges and spent many years learning to overcome digestive and anxiety issues. So I get it!I understand that sometimes it is difficult to know where to start making changes.Health can be complex; my aim is to give you clarity, educate and inspire you to achieve your health goals. My specialty is in treating gut, anxiety and hormonal issues, with a focus on determining the underlying cause and alleviating your symptoms.Are you ready to start feeling better?Check out these amazing resources for .1. Checkout this post on my blog. I breakdown the Gut-Brain connection + how it may be affecting more than your moods.2. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for health inspiration! From nutritional tips, recipes, self-care ideas, to my favorite guided meditations, I’ve got you covered!Plus expect to see me in your inbox with health and nutrition tips ✨