Expat Mom Type 2: CONNECTER
SUPERPOWER: Emotional Safe Space COMMON MISTAKE: People PleaserAbout Your SuperpowerYou are thoughtful, intuitive, and consistently there for your kids. You are the safe spot they can come home to and dump their troubles and stress. You can observe your kids' needs, draw out their troubles when needed, and make transitions smooth and comfortable for your family.Studies show that kids' emotional health depends less on their stressors and more on if they had someone to support them through whatever happens. Your superpower is a tremendous asset to your kids because they know the can rely on you emotionally. This is important for success as an expat mom.About Your VulnerabilityDue to your care and concern for others, you may tend to sacrifice your comfort, your preferences, your time, and your health to help others. You feel loss of friendships and the gravity of change deeply. Over time you may become depleted and discouraged and even lose a sense of self at times. Your compromised emotional health is a risk factor for your children. If you aren't stable and healthy emotionally, kids can't rely on you when they need help. Without this safe place, kids can develop anxiety and difficulty in relationships later on.What Next?I've helped other CONNECTER expat moms leverage their ability to connect with people, especially their family, but also minimize their tendency to people please and become discouraged. Let me introduce myself. I'm Jennie Linton. I'm a life coach for expat moms. I help them navigate the unique challenges of living and mothering abroad. I've helped CONNECTER expat moms:Learn to to help their kids through their struggles in a healthy way by empowering them, not just doing everything for them.Get things done and complete projects more quickly.Increase confidence and decrease discouragement and overwhelm.Learn to navigate difficult conversations and conflicts while simultaneously improving relationships.I can do it for you too! Book a free, 50 min. coaching session. In just 50 minutes I'll walk you through one challenging issue that you choose to help you leverage your strengths and minimize your limitations as a CONNECTER mom. I'm looking forward to meeting you.