You are in a Thrive phase
It isn't always easy some days, yet you continue to be supportive to others and giving of yourself without losing yourself. You are resilient!When things get tough, you know how to re-center and reconnect to your resourcing and your rich support network. You know how to set and maintain boundaries, even if it is hard, and find joy and contentment in your helping spirit in your work and personal relationships. Creativity is important to you and nurturing your soul-focused self-care is a staple of your to-do list. Ready to boost your sense of thriving? Try these 3 strategies...1. Identify your connectors--Reflect on your support system--whether a spiritual director, counselor, soul friend, or soul circle group--and find ways to continue healthy relationships with others on your journey to help you maintain wedded to your authenticity and allow you to remain connected to your soul's purpose. (Need a stress-re-set? Check out this video: https://youtu.be/mEwuO8Ei58E?si=scgLrL5I4qYUDo9y)2. Nurture your creativity--Know your own soul's yearning. Journal, use silence, somatic movement, and contemplative or spiritual/holistic practices to understand the whisperings of your spirit outside of the roles you play in your life. 3. Seek rich opportunities to connect and give back-- Sometimes this includes reevaluating your roles in your life and whether they truly are reflective of your values. We change in life, and our purpose often does too. With this kind of self-relfection, you can find ways your spirit can truly sing.Welcome to Root Grow Thrive! I’m Allie Kochert ✨I’m a licensed therapist, soul care guide, and professional consultant who supports helpers, healers and women in ministry — just like you — reconnect to their power, purpose, and peace.After spending years as a healer myself and experiencing burnout (multiple times!), I realized that burnout was not one-size-fits all, and often is multi-factorial, systemic, and embodied in ways we don't talk about. After recovering from burnout--and committing it to be the final time--I dedicated my work to support those who support others. I wanted those I work with to reclaim their resiliency, too.What I do know is that we all go through phases of Rooting down, Growth, and Thriving in our lives. Sometimes those phases are long, sometimes short, and they always transition. We don't stay in one phase forever.Having safe, trauma-informed and professional spaces to nurture you within your unique phase in your life is my work. My favorite thing is watching my clients’ lives flourish and grow, in both small and big ways. Next steps to develop your resiliency and reconnect to your wholeness.1. Read and reply to my newsletter and blog where I offer nurturing and self-renewal supports and offerings--love to hear feedback as to what is resonating with you!2. Follow me on Instagram for soul-led inspiration and info on how to sign up for my 3. Schedule a free consultation--I commit myself to offering free space for folks to explore where they (or someone they love or their organization) can best get support. Whether or not that is me is not the point--we all need guidance at times, and if that's you, schedule HERE.Know you're burned out on a soul level and want to reconnect to your resiliency--starting today? Check out my Renewal Kit here--full of prompts, nourishing practices and ways to reconnect to your inner listening skills. Schedule a Free Consult HERE --would love to hear your story and find a way I can be useful for you!