Neural Center #4
Your quiz results show that your biggest growth potential is in your Neural Center #4, the Heart Plexus.This neural center is located in the heart area of the body and governs the heart, lungs, upper torso, and thymus gland. A lack of coherence in this neural center might manifest physically as heart disease, shallow breathing, and high blood pressure. You feel disconnected from love from yourself and others and might struggle with depression, loneliness, or melancholy. What happens when your neural center #4 gets back to coherence? Coherence in Neural Center #4 means you feel very present, more loving, and accepting towards people or situations in your life. You feel patient, non-judging, appreciate the abundance of life, and experience it with ease and calm. You live with compassion, unconditional love, and experience conscious lovemaking. Your circulatory system, heart, and lungs are strong and healthy. Your confidence levels and patience will increase, and you will feel deep trust that all is working out for your highest good.