You are hosting the Self-Inflicted Cuckoo in your Life "Nest!"
Hosting The Self-Inflicted Cuckoo likely means you are engaging in some form of toxic thinking and self-sabotaging behavior. Rather than hosting The Relationship Cuckoo with a person who continues to hurt you and take advantage of you – it is your own behaviors and thinking patterns that are keeping you stuck.
You’re likely dealing with a whole flock of Self-Inflicted Cuckoos – from perfectionism, addictions, analysis paralysis, work-a-holic tendencies, and comparisonitis. To seeking your worth and value from your accomplishments. Or, your passions have grown turned into obsessions that feel overwhelming and all-consuming.
Your thought life primarily consists of endless rationalizing, reasoning, and ruminating. Perhaps you turn to coping mechanisms to help you cope with stress, insecurity, and anxiety such as: overeating, drinking, shopping, gossiping, on-line dating, and endless social media scrolling, to name a few.