Phase 4: The In-Demand Brand
“We think of ourselves as an experience company, not a fitness company." – Spencer Rice, former CMO, SoulCycleYou're likely at this phase because...Your brand stands out, but needs branding guidelines to stay consistentYou've built a reputation around the quality & value your business provides and your branding is starting to match thatYou're making consistent sales are are ready to scaleYou're most likely doing these 3 things...1. Attracting ideal customers & clientsYour brand looks and feels consistent, however it has evolved over the years so it needs a refresh. You're audiece has evolved as well, so now you want to become more intentional with your branding so you can specifically target more ideal customers & clients. And, you're either raising your pricing or offering something more valuable and you want your branding to reflect that. 2. Sharing your brand's stance & missionYou have built an awesome community of superfans and they are extremely loyal. Your brand is top of mind because they believe in your mission. And, you are starting to clearly communicate what makes your brand different and how you go against the grain in your industry. However, you're only known within a small circle and are ready to branch out to be viewed as a leader in your space. 3. Creating a recognizable brand You're starting to have a more consistent look across your social platforms, products and website, but want your branding to look unique & iconic. Since your brand, audience and pricing has evolved, you're ready for a rebrand. Don't worry you don't need to change everything, but you do want to take your branding up a notch with an expert. You're in a position to redefine what your brand is all about...and this is the perfect opportunity to bring your audience along for the journey.Now is the time to create brand guidelines so your brand can continue to look consistent, no matter who you hire on your team. This is key to scaling your brand. And I'll show you how to define your iconic brand identity in my signure program Brand Your Impact. Who am I to Fill You in on All Things "Branding"? Let Me Introduce Myself...Hey friend, I’m Chris Beltran 👋 I'm a creative director and rebrand specialist to some of today's top online businesses & personal brands. Having designed & strategized for 6-8 figure brands, I'm sharing everything I know about how to become more intentional with your brand so you can charge and land the clients you deserve!Ready to master your Brand's Voice, Visuals and Visibility? Sure you are! Let's chat about how to take your brand to the next level!