The Peacemaker
"Let's just keep the peace..." doesn't always work. In an ideal world we're filled with peace and love, but let's face it...the world isn't always ideal. Your people-pleasing archetype is The Peacemaker, so the following probably resonates with you...You put your own needs aside in order to keep the peace in your family, group of friends or in your relationship. You absorb all of the issues around you.You smile and nod while you are really feeling stressed inside about the drama around you.When asked to do something you don't want to, you do it anyway. Then you feel a great amount of resentment after. You defend both sides of an argument, although you definitely have the solution and wish you could side with one person.You're a chronic apologizer.As the peacemaker, you just want everyone to agree and get along. Although you will never be able to accomplish that, there are tools and tips to shift your mindframe to keeping the peace inside yourself instead of worrying about keeping the peace for everyone else. Watch your email for a copy of these results and more on how to go about working with the anxiety that inevitably results from a life spent people pleasing.