AUTHENTICITY - You're The Creative Mirror
You're a Creative Mirror!Heya! Thanks for taking The Brave Edit's's Creative Spark quiz - here’s your result! The creative spark that lights you up is your sense of AUTHENTICITY, which means you are a CREATIVE MIRROR at heart. Here’s a little bit about this facet of your creativity, and how you can explore, expand, and engage with these parts of yourself. Be sure to check out the four other sparks as well, since we each share all aspects to different degrees. As a creative mirror, your sense of authenticity is one of your strongest forces. To you, the true and free expression of who you really are - and who others really are - is a value that stems through most of what you do. Through your creativity, you don’t just make others feel more capable of being themselves, you also help to heal their own authenticity, so they can be in integrity with themselves. Because of this, you’re a mirror to the world, and people can dial into their own inner strength.Being an authenticity-driven creative soul doesn’t mean you always have to be the same, though. Whenever we hear things like “be yourself!”, that can often give us a sense of anxiety because we know that we inherently grow, shift, and change – sometimes by the hour or depending on what we’re doing. “Be yourself” can feel like an impossible task, because it asks us to nail down precisely what we are. But, your creative heart doesn’t need you to “always be yourself”. Instead, it asks that you intentionally ask yourself in any given moment “what feels like me?”As a creative mirror, you’re skilled at sitting with the discomfort that many people would shy away from exploring. Whether it’s a new project, an idea, or a facet of yourself you want to hone, your ability to ask questions and get to the heart of things is unparalleled. It’s through your deep roots to your own sense of self that you have the strength to ask these deep questions, and you might find that others look to you for wisdom here, too.Led by authenticity, your creativity will often ask that you look beyond the obvious “mask” that we may see, and explore what’s beneath it. “What’s really here or asking to be expressed” is a key question for you, and Intuitive work, inner healing, and any form of bold expression are all your strengths. You may find that you’re inspired by other creative mirrors, simply because you recognize the courage it takes to show up bravely as you who really are and take up space! Rather than focusing on a given outcome for your creativity, you’re also well suited to find ways to actually enjoy the journey of your creativity, dialling into what makes you most happy and like yourself. Creative mirrors are also inherently searching much of the time. New ideas, new expressions, new faces to try on – it’s all an playground for you. Remind yourself that ‘bold’ and ‘authentic’ can be loud and audacious, but they can also be quiet, thoughtful, and soft. Trust that your version of your authenticity is exactly right at the time.Remembering that your true self is never stagnant is also important, as is giving yourself permission to follow your curiosity to whatever calls you. This also means you can go easy on yourself when your inspiration wanes, and feel okay about leaving behind whatever identities or ideas that don’t seem to “fit” you anymore. The more you can allow your true authenticity to be a living, breathing, shifting experience, the more powerful your creativity will be. Some creative outlets will be for a season, and some may be for a lifetime, but they’re all you. Because of your deep thread of authentic expression, you might feel pressured to always be ‘on’, especially as it regards others and how you share your opinions. Just remember: creative rest is just as important as creative expression. Sleep is good! Opting out is good! Unsubscribing is good! Release the pressure to always march to the beat of your own drum, and let yourself just enjoy the music sometimes. Any rest you take will always be rewarded with fresh inspiration.🧭 Call To Adventure: THE CREATIVE TRAJECTORYIf you want to strengthen your creative spark, you might like the practice of plotting the creative trajectory of your life so far. It’s easy for authenticity-led people to forget just how many different adventures they’ve had, and how many versions of themselves they’ve tended and grown over the years. Each one of those adventures and landmark experiences of yours has given so much creative fuel – you just need to make yourself consciously aware of it all. Can you create a timeline of “landmarks” from your life that shows the different ‘versions’ of yourself? Spend some time with each landmark, and ask yourself “What lessons did this time give me?” and “What strange treasures did I carry with me from this time?” Clear, open communication with all parts of yourself is how you’ll be able to integrate your experiences and wisdom in amazing new creative directions.🌿 A Few Questions for Reflection:- What is your favourite you right now? The one that feels the most fun to be?- How can I tend my physical body so I feel safe to express myself?- What feels like me today?- Is today an “on” day, or an “off” day, and how can I lean into this?- What do you love about yourself? Write it down today or say it in the mirror.Remember, we each have all of these facets to ourselves which take the lead in different seasons of our lives. Be sure to check out the other types and your percentages too, and put into practice any tips that resonate.🎨 Notable Creative Mirrors:Frieda KahloIris ApfelTaylor Swift ✏️ Next Up For You: Subscribe to The Brave EditThe Brave Edit is my community space and tri-weekly column to help you become happier, healthier, and more creative in under ten minutes a week. You’ll get weekly columns, discussion, inspiration, creative workshops, and more.It will be the best 1.50 you’ll spend this week!