Your Flow is.... Pitta
One thing to note about your cycle dosha the qualities listed below doesn't mean you will have all of them present every single cycle. It is what you have most of that determines which dosha your cycle is most like. Ideally your dosha cycle is the same as your actual dosha. The Qualities of a Pitta cycle:Flow heavily the first few daysHigh heat brings strong flow that tapers off Characteristics of a Pitta CycleCrankiness Pain that is sharp & intenseIrritability Criticism of self & othersAnger, rageAcneHot flashesExcess bleeding that is bright red in color & hotBurning, rash or inflammation Cravings for sweet & spicy foods in luteal phase How to Balance your Pitta CycleHere are a few tips if you have a pitta cycle on how to balance your monthly flow. Eat- cooling, sweet, calming foods- asparagus, berries, dates, oats, gheeRest- as a pitta we sometimes like to move so light walks, yoga or Tai Chi are best. Avoid tight deadlines or competition as that can make the symptoms worse. Avoid coffee, alcohol or spicy foods that will have the body heat rise.Pitta teas for PMS- Raspberry leaf, rose petals, fennel, lavender, ginger, nettles, dandelion. Check your inbox for the complete free guide to your dosha!Hey spiritual seeker! I'm Andrea Claassen an Ayurvedic Practitioner, 500 hr yoga teacher and Wild Woman Circle leader. I've been in the wellness space since 2007 and have ran my own business since 2012. My goal is to help women live a cyclical lifestyle healing their menstrual cycles and recognizing what your 5th vital sign says about you! Through my in-person retreats, 1-on-1 healing sessions, and group coaching programs I've helped 1000s of people heal their menstrual cycles and live in alignment with their own inner wisdom. My specialty is helping people with period pain, irregular cycles, and type A always on the go people regulate their menstrual cycle to have a smooth transition into their perimenopausal years. Check out my signature group coaching program: Flow With Your Cycle๐ Tune In With these Resources!๐๐1. Listen to my podcast: Peaceful Power Podcast2. Read My Blog 3. In need of healing? Book a free 20 minute Ayurvedic Call with me. We'll start by discussing your emotional, physical, and spiritual health. From there, you'll receive a complete protocol to help you balance your cycle.