Your procrastinator type is…The Self Deprecator
The Self Deprecator says, “I am so lazy right now.”This procrastinator has a severe case of perfectionism so when they don’t do something they are extremely hard on themselves. Very often it is the weight of their perfectionism that pushes them into inaction, avoidance or spending inordinate amounts of time on projects that could be completed much faster. What they really need is to be more compassionate with themselves. Your biggest challenge: Taking imperfect action. 3 Things You Can Do Right Now 1. Give yourself a break. Being hard on yourself is not helpful. Try taking a walk outside to give yourself space, perspective and to boost your energy. 2. Download our free AW Vision Guide and do the exercise called the Wild Mind List. In our experience, having a lot of things that feel undone, or unfinished, or to-do, that you are continuously reminding yourself of creates heaviness. The key here is that you don't have to do anything on the list to experience the benefits. Once you’ve got that done, you will begin to feel the energy that comes from decluttering your headspace. And that is our goal, to boost your energy. 3. Once you feel that your energy is back up, choose one easy thing to complete, imperfectly.