You are a Queen Boss!
You are the living embodiment of the legendary Phoenix bird, battle-tested by fire and resurrected from the ashes! Rather than settle for what the world tells you to tolerate, you challenge it to do better! You are intentional about learning from your mistakes, failures, and regrets. As a result, you live by the mantra, "no pressure, no diamonds!"Nevertheless, you are NOT invincible. What may have worked fabulously for you in the past, may no longer be the best fit for you now and looking into your future. Therefore, the profound and endless responsibility of deciding what to save, delete, and add are the primary triggers associated with your stress profile.According to the allostatic load model of modern medicine, this kind of persistent stress (when left unchecked) causes significant wear-and-tear on our bodies, and can negatively impact our immune, digestive, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. It's also what makes superwomen, like YOU, more vulnerable to health complications and lifestyle challenges, excessively associated with populations of color (e.g. obesity, heart disease, high-blood pressure, diabetes, and premature death).But don't worry! Here are three therapeutic tips you can put into practice right now, to continue to champion your self-care, as the CEO of Y-O-U:1) Respect and own all your numbers. Forty, forty-five, fifty, or whatever your chronological age may be at the present, is NOT the new thirty! Every year you live is another chapter of wisdom added. Use it to level-up your standards and expectations, not b-s and short-change them. 2) Stay on top of any new symptoms. Is your stress or anxiety showing up as chronic bouts of insomnia, mood swings, poor concentration, or unwanted changes in your libido? Depending on your season of life, these frustrating symptoms may be indications of hormonal shifts associated with perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause. Allow these natural stages of womanhood to deepen your self-awareness and guide you into advanced levels of self-care.3) Re-evaluate the status of all your affairs on a consistent basis. Decluttering our lives includes people as well as things! Never hesitate to remove anything, or reposition anyone, who no longer serves your best interests. Need more support? Let's talk!Hi, I'm Lauren Fowler, MA, CPC.As a Life Strategist and Culture Catalyst, I am here to help you eliminate stress, anxiety, and burnout. I am also the Founder of Sankofa Phoenix Institute (SPI), a school of self-image exclusively dedicated to super-serving the distinct identities and human experiences of ambitious women of color. Too often, we hear about the health, wealth, and relationship disparities between people of color and our counterparts. Yet, we continue to struggle with how to eliminate the toxic roots which perpetuate them. The fact of the matter is that the social constructs of race and gender have been intentionally manipulated to create a global caste and class system. No one is exempt! Therefore, when we study the multigenerational and brutal history of chattel slavery and segregation, we learn that the strong Black woman and Superwoman personas were not purely assumed from raw ambition, but out of the necessity to survive an oppressive and narcissistic culture!Ready to unmute, unmask, and uncloak from the stress of the Superwoman Syndrome?Book a complimentary clarity call to discuss my 12-week program, Prosper Beyond Your Pain & Thrive, and how to recover from the human shapeshifting, people-pleasing, and perfectionism, which cannibalizes your identity and keeps you circling the drain of diminishing returns.What's next?Join the SPI Tribe to stay in the know about future programs, events, and free resources. I can't wait to meet you on the inside!"There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not lead single issue lives." ~ Audre Lorde