Washington Group Extended Set on Functioning (WG-ES)
A series of fixed question sets that allow for a low-cost, efficient way to collect large amount of data that are easily comparable between studies, locations, and countries. The Washington Group questions can be used for any individual 5 years old and above and includes the 6 questions of the WG-Short Set that cover: seeing, hearing, walking/climbing stairs, remembering/concentrating, self-care, and communication (expressive and receptive). The Washington Group Extended Set provides 34 questions and 3 optional questions across the same 8 domains as the Washington Group Enhanced Short Set with pain and fatigue added. Each question may be responded to in 4 ways: (1) No, no difficulty, (2) Yes, some difficulty, (3) Yes, a lot of difficulties and (4) Cannot do it at all. “Disability” is never explicitly mentioned in any of the questions.