Rebel Artist
Your Archetype OverviewYou are a thought leader, a challenger of the status quo, and a disruptor of systems that do not work for you. You change hearts and minds with your art, words, and presence. You are a rule-breaker and a powerful permission giver. One of your most powerful strengths lies in your ability to question things and invite others to join you in new experiences, realizations, and awareness. Keep reading for a deep dive into your unique strengths, challenges, and specific suggestions when it comes to your brand voice!YOU ARE BREATH OF FRESH AIR.Brand Voice StrengthsPassion: Your passion and love for life is so bright, don’t be afraid to let it shine. This is one of your superpowers. Some people may put on their sunglasses and think you are too bright, but the right people will come to life by basking in your light. You are a mother f*cking breath of fresh air. In an often ‘stuffy’ world, you see how powerful and needed that is, right?Thought Leadership: Being a thought leader comes naturally to you. Not because you are ever telling someone else what they ‘should’ think, but instead because you question and challenge the norms for yourself and don’t shy away from saying the bold thing that needs to be said. And when you step into a space of fully expressing yourself, you are also inviting your community to join you in accessing their own liberation (even if you don't intend to). Keep expressing yourself, it's a big part of what makes your energy so magnetic.Vulnerability: When you express your wide range of emotions and share your truth, your people lean in. Your aligned community is able to see themselves in the vulnerable way you share your own experiences and stories. This doesn’t mean you need to force vulnerability when it doesn’t feel good to you, but instead it just means that you naturally share your voice in a very authentic way. And actually, being ‘inauthentic’ (whatever that means) has never been a problem for you. By just being yourself, you have a powerful skill of helping your people feel seen, deeply understood, and celebrated.YOUR ARE A BADASS.Brand Voice ChallengesEvolution: You are constantly evolving. This means your message and the things you are most interested in saying/sharing change too. Which can leave you feeling worried that when you evolve you might lose or confuse your current community. Don’t let this stop you from evolving. Remember you are a human, not a brand. And the right people will be along for the ride, sitting on the edge of their seats wondering what you’ll do next! (And even if the shift doesn’t make perfect logical sense to you I can almost guarantee that your people see the connection of how it all loops back to you and your ultimate mission.)Impulsivity: You sometimes get a little discouraged when you feel like you are just throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks. And you can sometimes get bored with a strategy, and never really give any strategy enough time and effort to test it fully…aka you get “shiny object syndrome” and jump to the next exciting thing quickly. Let me be clear here: THIS IS NOT A WEAKNESS. In fact it is one of your strengths in many ways. However, if you are craving more intentionality in your business, start with this simple question. Before you jump to the next thing ask yourself, am I making this decision out of my inner alignment or my fear? And move forward accordingly.Reciprocity: When you are able to see someone's reaction to what you are saying, your energy shines through. So when you go to write/speak/create and there is not a live person receiving it and giving you feedback, facial expressions, and body language, it can be harder to convey your unique and bright energy. Practice envisioning a specific person who you are speaking to and see if this makes a difference in how your energy shows up through your voice. Or better yet, before sharing content, write what you are wanting to say in a text message to your bestie (where there is no pressure to be ‘polished’), then copy and paste it over to the platform you are sharing in and see what happens!SOUND LIKE YOU? DON'T WORRY, YOU'RE NOT ALONE!Keep reading for my specific suggestions for how you can tap into your unique voice more to make the impact you want!Your Archetype Vibe in 5 WordsI know you can't be put in a box, and have many sides of who you are and how you show up in your business, but here are some of the qualities/values that likely come more naturally to you:My Suggestions For You1. Environment: It’s important for you to find a supportive environment where your unique and powerful energy can shine. Explore different places for you to share your work with the world and see how each feels to you. If putting all your eggs in the social media basket doesn’t feel exciting, then remember you can experiment with other places and strategies until you find the environments where you come alive the most. This is how you find your marketing sweet spot!2. Experimentation: Any time you find yourself in a place of feeling unsure, doubtful, or stuck, remember that you learn best by doing. So when you are seeking deeper clarity on your message, your offerings, or your marketing, start with a brain dump of possibilities, pick the one thing that feels the most exciting to you, and dive in. It won’t lead you astray. Even if it doesn’t pan out like you hoped, you will learn some really important things in the process that will serve you well. So keep stumbling along your own path and experimenting! You will find more of your own freedom by learning to embrace the messy middle.3. Niching Down: I know you hate the feeling of being put in a box. You are complex and cannot be contained, and neither can your work. You have a multitude of ways that you can serve your people. And your unique voice comes to life when you allow yourself to be uncontainable. SO, if the concept of cramming your business into a ‘nice little specific niche box’ feels constrictive to you…. Permission to throw that shit out the window! Your energy is magnetic because of who you are, not just what you do. YOU'VE GOT THIS!Hey there! I'm Sam. NOW THAT YOU'VE DISCOVERED YOUR UNIQUE BRAND VOICE ARCHETYPE - I HOPE YOU'RE FEELING CONFIDENT, CLEAR, AND READY TO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL!And if you loved this quiz experience, my 3-month 1:1 coaching program, FEEL GOOD BUSINESS, might be right for you! You can check out the details on my website below and book a free discovery call when you're ready. I absolutely can't wait to get to know you better!