Courageous Discipline
Congratulations! Courage and Discipline are your primary principles. Courage - the desire to do the right thing, even under duress and adversity. Values include:Fortitude: the inner strength to withstand adversity.Accountability: the willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions and outcomes.Candor: the quality of being open, honest, and sincere.Commitment: dedication to a particular cause.Self-Discipline: the desire to pursue what one believes to be right, despite the temptations to abandon it. Values include:Discipline: to know the difference between right and wrong and do what's right, even when no one is watching;Perseverance: the willingness to apply continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition;Serenity: a state of being calm, peaceful and tranquil even in the most trying or chaotic situations.Ready to act on your principles? Take these steps:1. Walk the Talk. Select one value from each principle and write "So that [results/outcomes]..." for each. Your "So That" should identify the results and outcomes you want to achieve by practicing that value. Once you've nailed these two, move to the next important values.2. Get feedback from trusted sources. A trusted source is someone who loves us and will tell us the truth. Ask 2-3 trusted sources how well you follow these values and get the desired results. Where are your say-do gaps? 3. Work it in. Integrate these values into your personal and professional life and feel the integrity of living your principles. You will have more confidence and less stress as you make decisions in volatility and uncertainty.Who am I to help you? Read onI’m Chris Kolenda.I work with people who want to lead as their best selves, Build an Inspiring Culture (TM), and make the pivotal decisions that take their businesses to new heights. My clients have already grown by over $28 million and counting.I've made most of the available mistakes in a career of leading people that has spanned the military and private sectors (see bio). I learned from those mistakes and did some good in the world (see my bio). I'm helping people like you lead their teams to new heights.Doing the next right things:1. Watch my video about Building an Inspiring Culture.2. Check out our Resources, which will help you with every phase of leadership, culture, and strategy.3. Book a Call with me. We'll discuss your unique genius and goals. I'll give you action steps that you can take right away to lead as your best self. There's no fee and no obligation. Book here: https://callSLA.as.me/Chris