Ooo girl, you got a GOOD ONE.As the Thought Leader, your primary intuitive sense is CLAIRCOGNIZANCE (clair-cog-ni-zance).Claircognizance means "clear knowing," and is one of the most elusive yet high-vibe intuitive senses we know of. Congrats!One of the biggest traits of the Thought Leader is her intellect!Claircognizants have a thirst for knowledge, and are constantly moving the needle in their lives when it comes to personal growth. If this is your primary sense, you may resonate with the labels bookworm, or teacher's pet, nerdy, Etc. Whether you have shame around this, or try to pretend that you're not as smart as you are so you “fit in,” and don't get made fun of, I hope you know that this is a powerful and important part of who you are. Don't take the label "thought leader," lightly! This is your calling, are you gonna answer it? Learn how to connect with your Claircognizance, to get the answers & clarity you want NOW. Your THOUGHT LEADER Guide: THE BEST WAY TO GET INSTANT INTUITION MESSAGES WITH AUTOMATIC WRITING is headed to your inbox right meow!