Your purposeful Scholarly Mama® trait is: Lifelong Learner/ Knowledge Seeker
Mama, talking to you is like reading an encyclopaedia. You’ve got the facts on everything from mini-golf to Mongolian cuisine. How did you become such an overflowing fountain of information? You love the detail because for you, learning never stops. You are always well-informed and make sound decisions which are usually carefully considered and trusted by others. As you are so intelligent and knowledgeable, you are also willing to share that knowledge and teach others what you know. You are self-reflective and see every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Your conscientious, careful nature means that your standards are sky-high. Nothing gets under your skin like a faulty fact or a misinformed opinion. And you’ve got no qualms about correcting misinformation – in the kindest way possible… Right?Your even temper means people feel comfortable coming to you with their problems. They trust your accurate, analytical mind to come up with an awe-mazing solution.Here’s the thing though, sometimes you might get a little too wrapped up in the 'knowing'. And maybe you avoid being vulnerable and share your fears because you constantly feel the need to embody that smart, sensible persona. On top of that, your cautious nature means you can sometimes be slow to act until you have all the information, and considered all the pros and cons, which may prevent you from moving forward with confidence.So make learning a lifelong pursuit but embrace your vulnerability and be yourself so you can fearlessly take bold steps!“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.” – Abigail AdamsThree quick tips to help you navigate your unique Scholarly Mama® blend so you can thrive academically & build the career of your dreams without sacrificing what matters!1. Get Clear on Your Current CircumstancesYou know you want more out of this Scholarly Mama® journey but it’s hard to see a path forward without knowing where you stand. If you are spending hours trying to figure out what you want, what you love to do, and how to be yourself – or even believe in yourself, you’re definitely not alone.It’s not uncommon to find yourself feeling stuck by all the pressures on you, especially when you're in the throes of the juggle-struggle. But when this happens, you’ve got to reflect, re-connect with your mission and motivation and take purposeful action… If you don’t, you might give up your power and lose out on the opportunity to finish well.Instead of thinking everything is happening to you, reframe your thinking to imagine how things are happening for you! Try turning inwards and taking stock of your current circumstances. What’s lifting you up? And what’s weighing you down? Why haven’t you taken those necessary steps towards your big goals? 2. Investigate Your Limiting BeliefsSometimes it’s the smallest things that hold us back the most. This isn’t to suggest that beliefs are something to turn your nose up at – they’re a powerful, life-shifting force… But they’re also easily overlooked.Why? Well, it’s hard to objectively examine and challenge something you’ve always understood as a fundamental truth.But have you tried turning your gaze inwards and examining the thoughts that underlie your actions and inaction? It's true that our current circumstances have a whole lot to do with our beliefs.You need more than belief to achieve success, but all success begins with belief. Sometimes, it may even require belief in what feels impossible. 3. Take Small Steps Towards Your GoalsOnce you’ve gained a bit of clarity about your Scholarly Mama® purpose, set some mini-goals to help get you there. Think of things you can take immediate action on. Say you want to make progress on your next academic writing goal but still have to juggle all the 'Mama' things, make a commitment to spend just 15-30 minutes each day, just brainstorming ideas and writing them down before getting stuck in.Setting yourself bite-sized goals will give you a sense of achievement, build up your confidence and give you some initial momentum. So when it’s time to get into deeper work, you feel fully ready and capable to stretch that mini-goal into a bigger goal.Well, there you have it! I hope you found this quiz fun and helpful in some way. So umm..... are we friends yet? Wait a minute, let me introduce myself...Hello, Mama! I’m Dr Michelle Gibbs (a.k.a Mrs Mummy PhD®).I'm the Founder of Scholarly Mamas®.I am married to my high-school sweetheart and together we have three sons, from teenager to toddler :-). Believe me, I know a thing or two about navigating the Scholarly Mama® journey with kids in tow! I went from an overwhelmed new Mama living deadline to deadline and trying to juggle it all, to a purposeful Scholarly Mama® with 5 degrees (including my PhD), a healthcare professional career, and a family life I love, all without losing myself in the process.I created my platform to encourage ambitious Mamas who are chasing big life and academic goals with real grit and determination. However, I want to offer you a purposeful reframe to help you finish well!As Scholarly Mamas®, not only do we wear many hats, juggling marriage/relationships, motherhood, careers and scholarly pursuits, but I believe we also need to challenge the academic culture of overwork and burnout by prioritising what matters, savouring the moments and living purposefully.I want to help you embrace the power of combining intellectual discovery, purposeful living and value alignment to empower you to seek purpose over prestige, perfection, or anything else getting in the way of your well-being and wholeness...Being married, having three kids and navigating academic motherhood, I know just how hard this juggle can be. Maybe you think it’s impossible to lead a fulfilling life while doing this juggling act. Or you might just not feel like you have the time to do the inner work required.Whatever your roadblocks are, I want you to believe that this is possible for you too. Mama, your purposeful success matters!That's why I'm all about helping Mamas like you thrive academically & build the career of your dreams without sacrificing what matters... So here’s a special invitation just for you!I'm personally inviting you to join our Scholarly Mamas® community. As a Scholarly Mama® myself, I love learning new things but I value meaningful relationships even more than that. So I've created the space that I wish I had when I began my own Scholarly Mama® journey. Through this amazing community, you'll have the opportunity to build lasting connections with other purposeful Scholarly Mamas®, which I am sure you would agree... is priceless. Although our Scholarly Mama® spaces are still a new and evolving, my vision is that these unique offerings will support Mamas like you to reaching your life and scholarly goals, without sacrificing what matters! You can get started for FREE inside our Scholarly Mamas® EXPLORE space. This is for Scholarly Mamas® who are ready to take their first bold step toward finishing well. Here, you'll get access to our FREE 'Mamanars' (think webinars for Mamas) where you will learn how you too, can create purposeful success in your Scholarly Mama® journey! You'll also discover all the other things on offer inside Scholarly Mamas®.You don't want to miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this purposeful movement. Join us inside!Mama, are you in? Fabulous! Let's begin... These are our journeys of becoming!What to do next?I’d love to stay in touch with you. Here are a few ways we can connect:1. My blog: Let's replace overwhelm with fulfilment on your journeys of becoming a smart, purposeful Scholarly Mama®.2. My podcast: Let's spend some time together in meaningful, thought-provoking convos about what it means to be a purposeful Scholarly Mama®! Listen in wherever you usually get your podcasts. 3. My social media @mrsmummyphd: Jump in at any point for relatable, inspiring content with a sprinkle of humour or just stop by to say "hi" :-)4. Our Scholarly Mama® spaces: Mama, let's help you navigate your scholarly journey well, without sacrificing what matters! It's time to transform the juggle-struggle into your purposeful journeys of becoming by making it simpler, easier and more enjoyable, and having access to a space where honest conversation, authentic connection and holistic growth can happen. Join us inside Scholarly Mamas® and follow on the socials @scholarlymamas!What else can I say? I just can’t get enough of you! So don’t be surprised to see me in your inbox telling you how I chose purpose over both perfection and prestige to become a purposeful Scholarly Mama®!