The Questioner
You may feel like something is missing. You’re questioning laws, rules, traditions and other paradigms that society readily accepts as ultimate truths. At this point, you are likely even questioning your own identity. So there is this subtle ‘fear’ that you might be someone else - that the identity you live up to isn’t really who you are at the core.
You probably feel like your challenges have been forcing you to look at your own conditioning. Even though you know deep down that external things won’t make you happy, you’re still out here playing the game.
Confusion, anxiety, overwhelm and even depression can show up quite a bit during this period.
At this stage things will start to shift when you no longer feel the need to hang on to labels or titles. For example, you don’t need to identify as sick, healthy, vegan or meat-eater, entrepreneur, academic...
When you start to see more clearly just how much your thoughts are shaping your reality.
Key action to help you make this shift: Experiment with a system that helps you look into who you are.
This could be your astrology natal chart, numerology profile or human design type. Use this research to start thinking about who you were before the world told you who you should be. Take note of any differences and any underlying, connected truths.