Your baby most likely does not have cow's milk allergy.
This quiz is based upon the CoMiss quiz created by Nestle Health Science to determine the likeliness of a baby having cow's milk allergy. It is an assessment took used in clinical practice. Based upon the results it is showing that your baby most probably does not have cow's milk allergy. However if you feel that your baby does it is important to approach a health care professional for appropriate assessment and who will then be able to make a clinical judgement.Since symptoms of cow's milk allergy is quite similar to other common conditions such as colic, reflux, lactose intolerance and over feeding it is important to consider these as potential causes of your baby's unsettledness and symptoms in the first instance. There is some excellent evidenced based simple strategies you can implement that really do work to help settle your baby such as considering changing feeding routine and volume, changing your baby's milk or getting support for breast feeding to ensure your baby's latch and suck is strong. If you would like to know more about how to settle your baby, relieve uncomfortable belly ache and get more sleep, I would like to invite you to come along to a masterclass I'm running on 30th March at 10am called 'Settle Your Baby Masterclass'. To find out more about what I will cover click the button below.