Self- Compassion
You're likely to uncover more Joy in your daily life by expanding your compassion capacity. You think if you are ‘too easy’ on yourself with compassion, you’ll never achieve anything. You think that self-compassion is for people who just want to give in and not make change. And I know, I know if you hear, “Just love yourself,” one more time, you’re going to close this screen. Wait one second though. And hear me out. What I’m about to say may change everything. Self-compassion is the MOST powerful way to stay accountable. Yep, the most powerful way to make change.And wait one more thing…Loving yourself is a bold act of Justice. Yes, Justice.Ok, hear me out now on all of this?You see, accountability in no dictionary ever contains the word ‘shame.’ Self-Compassion isn’t all woo, although it does feel good, I won’t lie. Something interesting happens in the brain when you berate yourself. You see it as a threat! Yep, as danger. And so you retreat or fight. Both activate your midbrain threat centers which take you out of the part of your brain, the prefrontal cortex, that makes change and incites motivation! You think if you ‘let yourself off the hook,’ you won’t make change. But it’s the exact opposite. You will go into ‘survival mode’ when you shame yourself and then reach for the exact thing you are trying to change, and worst of all, suffer more. I’ll let you in on a secret of how to extend yourself compassion while still staying accountable, below in the action steps!And the Justice part? Well, self-compassion has a secret superpower worth knowing. It supports the pathway of safety in your body so that as you experience your pain or the pain of another, you inhibit your defense pathways, those threat centers. You work on compassion for yourself and others not just to feel better or give love, but to feel safer. When you extend compassion to yourself, you see that it is possible to reduce the fight-or-flight stress response which shows up as less reactivity in both your cardiovascular system and emotional centers of your brain. Hear this well: self-compassion settles your heart and body. Even when the world is not compassionate toward you, you can use the Justice of self-compassion to make it safer for you to step into it.Take a pause.Take a Pause and just try this out in the simplest form. Notice when you berate yourself and offer yourself some compassion for being human just like everyone else. You deserve this love. Your body needs it for more Joy. When you accept your own imperfections, it also makes it easier to see others’ flaws and think, I’ve been there or I get that. That’s the ventral vagus nerve kicking in, making us connect even stronger to others, but most important, to ourselves. Kristin Neff, one of the pioneering researchers in self-compassion, says this principle of common humanity is one of the core components of this work.Take action. Let’s dive even deeper when you’re ready.Explore compassion as an active practice in Joy Is My Justice. Discover practical exercises that you can easily implement into your daily life, increasing your capacity to feel Joy. Readers have literally told me that reading and integrating the section on self-compassion felt like “a huge weight was taken off my shoulders.” It’s time to unburden yourself.Try my free lovingkindness exercise on my website. It’s my loving gift to you even if you don’t have the book so you can start this important work.If you’re interested in working on Self-compassion in a deeper way, I am now offering a limited number of Joy Journeys, non-medical virtual sessions with me to explore a personalized Joy practice in the context of your unique needs. Head over to my website to explore this service in more detail. I’ll be visiting your inbox weekly with more gems as we get to know each other. But if you only take one thing from this quiz, let it be this. Loving yourself is a radical act of Joy. And the more you can do it, the more you will motivate yourself to, not only change the parts of your life that are dragging you down, but to seek more Joy. You deserve this Justice.