Oh honey, that poor body of yours is going through it!
Your nervous system is constantly on edge, locked into fight or flight. This makes is hard, even impossible, to feel joy, happiness, and a sense of safety. You likely feel anxious most of the time and struggle with feeling good enough. You’re a perfectionist who is constantly trying to be better, look better, and do better, and its exhausting. Even when you try to rest, you don’t really rest. That mind and body of yours are always in overdrive, trying to fix yourself or your life so you can finally feel safe.You’re feeling tired on such a deep level. Sleep and Netflix aren’t enough to revive you. You feel like you just can’t access deep rest and relaxation.
The reason you feel the way you do is because you’ve got unhealed emotional wounds in your body and energy field.
You’ve experienced tough stuff, and nobody has been able to help you heal it. You might have tried therapy, reiki, crystal therapy, and meditation but none of it has helped enough. You still feel on edge. You’re still trying hard all of the time to be the perfect person. Anxiety has become your most familiar friend.
You crave deep peace, but just don’t know how to find it.
Look, I’m not going to give you the same generic tips that you’ve already received like, “breathe deeper, start a gratitude journal, and don’t sweat the small stuff.” Likelihood is, you’ve tried that and it hasn’t worked.
That’s because you need something more powerful to shift the underlying tension in your nervous system.
I’m not going to sugarcoat it, your body and energy field need more support and they need the right kind of support.
The good news is that everything you are struggling with can be really easy to heal with the right kind of help. Gentle techniques that are targeted just for you and what you have experienced have the power to change everything.
You don’t have to keep existing with the sense of dread and anxiety that has been haunting you. It is possible to wake up happy, excited about your day, and content with wonderful friendships and an amazing romantic partner.
All of this is possible for you. If you want to talk and tell me exactly what’s going on for you, feel free to book a free consultation here.