Uh oh, this is a self-love emergency!
Your score reveals that your self-worth needs a major overhaul! Your inner critic has the reins and is telling you so many lies about who you are. She is telling you that you are not good enough, shameful, unlovable, a failure, weak, and worthless. The voices in your head sound pretty mean! And here is the truth, none if it is true. You are deserving of love, care, nurturing, wonderful relationships, abundance, and joy. It sounds like there was some tough stuff in your past that made you feel like you weren’t good enough. Dear Sweet Soul, you don’t have to live with this much suffering. You are worthy of so much more than misery and pain. Start working on healing your past and your self-worth will naturally re-emerge. I recommend you book a complimentary consult with me immediately so we can talk about a plan to move you into love, self-worth, and happiness.