You’re an On-The-Go-Grazer
As a grazer, you life life on the go. You're running from one work meeting to the next before you have to rush of to your kids soccer game. And piano lessons. And baseball practice. You inhale snacks or "meals" intermittently at your desk, in the car, or standing at the kitchen counter while you pack your kids' lunches. As a grazer, there are three things I know about you: You're a giver. You're really good at taking care of other people and making sure you meet their needs. Your kids. Your partner. Your boss. Your best friend. They know that they can count on you if they need something (which is a really good quality!) but this comes at the expense of taking care of yourself.This grazing behavior is not serving you well. It leads to low energy and often contributes to night time snacking/out of control eating. Sometimes grazing can actually feel like bingeing or emotional eating. Grazing all day can also slow your metabolism and contribute to digestive problems and sleep problems.You probably have completely lost touch with when you're hungry, and don't know until it's too late. You might even think, "I'm not a breakfast person," because you've trained your body to not ask for it.You also don't know what it's like to feel comfortably full, and aren't actually satisfied after meals (a perfect storm for nighttime cravings).Most of the grazers I work with also don't know when they're hungry until it's too late, As a business owner, mom of 2 little kids and CEO and COO of our household (my husband lovingly gave me these titles...don't worry he's the best and does a TON for our family, too), I know how hard it is to find time to go to the bathroom alone, let alone feed yourself nourishing meals and actually take care of yourself.The good news about being a grazer is that there are a few simple strategies that can make a BIG difference in how you eat and feel. You don't need complicated meal plans or meal prepping schedules. You just need to learn how to be prepared and a basic formula of what to eat and when to get you on track to feeling great.Are you ready to finally build healthy habits that feel easy?Join my free training (live or catch the replay), How to Feel in Control Around All Foods (without diets or willpower) where I'll teach you:The 3 biggest mistakes you're making that are making you feel out of control, increasing cravings, and driving all of that guilt and shame. The exact steps you need to take to cut cravings and endless snacking while easily nourishing your body (no complicated recipes or meal prepping schedule needed). My go-to simple steps to help you have more energy, feel good in your body, and build healthy habits that last (aka you'll still be doing them next year).