Your Hormone Health is .. In distress..send help!
Slow down a minute, friend (trust me, I know how hard this can be) 🙌. Your hormone health requires immediate attention. Consult a healthcare professional and consider lifestyle changes to regain balance and well-being. Focus on reducing stress, improving sleep, regular physical activity, and making healthier dietary choices. With all the information out there, knowing how to start can be overwhelming, but by completing this quiz, you've just made it oh so simple. According to your responses, it's a PERFECT time to learn more about CYCLE SYNCHING! Cycle Synching is synching your movement, nutrition, and lifestyle to the stages of your cycle (even if you do not have a period). It helps you to feel more energized, lessen mood swings, live a more balanced life, optimize your workouts and to have an empowered female mindset! Download your free CYCLE SYNCHING GUIDE.“What else do you have to wait for, friend? It's time to take action!“Nothing will work unless you do.” — Maya Angelou3 Simple Steps to Getting Started1. Set Yourself Up for SuccessDownload the Cycle Synching Guide and be prepared to be blown away with some AWESOME information. This may feel like the tip of the iceberg so you may want to listen to my FREE WEBINAR: Hormones, Health & Habits to learn more! (no time? listen in on your way to work or running the kids!)2. Take ActionNow that you "know" identify areas in which you most need to improve. Is it sleep, stress, nutrition, exercise or all the things?3. Consider Your Future goalsWhere and how do you want to see yourself 2 years from now? 5? How do you want to show up 10 years from now? What daily actions need to start happening now so you reach this goal? Listen in on my Goal Setting Webinar and download the Goal Setting Guide to go with it!Who's This Hormone Health Crusader Let Me Fill You In 👇Hey there, I'm Traci havlik, Certified Personal Trainer & Accountability Coach 👋 I'm passionate about helping people (just like you) learn more about their body while helping you navigate through alll the phases of your life. 3 Resources to Help You Break Through the Barriers Holding You Back? Read On...1. Join my Facebook Group Hormone Hub: Empowering Womens Wellness We're a courageous community committed to sharing the highs and lows of our health journeys. Get ready for a world of inspiration! 2.Hormone Health, A Beginners Guide. I break down how hormones play a large part in many of our daily functions as well as critical life milestones. Hormones affect everything from our energy, hunger, and moods to feeing bloated, having increased anxiety, or crappy sleep. Their influence goes as far as changing the way we think and act. Listen in and learn the big 5 things you can do to daily to improve your hormones.3. Book a free 15-minute consultation. Ready to take a big, bold step forward and start balancing your hormones now and in the future? Talk with me today! You'll give me an idea of your goals, and we'll get working.Easiest way to contact me is by going to TRAIN WITH FIRE, like my page and send me a message saying FREE CONSULT!If you found this quiz valuable, I hope you’ll share it with your friends, family, community or anyone that might be not be feeling quite like themselves lately. Because while these symptoms are all common, that doesn’t mean they should be normal.Thanks and sending you and your tribe all the healthy vibes.P.S. Expect to See Me in Your Inbox Soon with Tips to Get Started with your course: Hormone Harmony Elite Performance Course. Founding Members will be invited into the course at a DEEPLY discounted price. Get on the waitlist below!