You undeniably have what it takes to live without social media!
One of the most powerful things to have in order to live without social media is DEISRE. Which you my friend seem to have or have had at some point. Why desire? Because desire drives action and if you desire a life without social media, you're more likely to take the necessary steps in order to get there! There’s an outcome or a feeling that you’re desiring right now to experience more of, be it greater sense of self, more peace, confidence in who you are and who you're becoming, you fill in the blank. Clearly social media isn’t helping you achieve those feelings or that outcome let alone shaping you into the unique person God sent you here to be! If it were, you wouldn't be here on this page right now. You're someone who cares about YOU. Who cares about who you're becoming in life and isn't willing to settle for the destructive path the world has paved and made so easy for us to travel down. YES you have what it takes to live without social media there's no doubt about that. However in order to live without social media, theres something crucial that makes the difference between successfully staying off vs. ending right back up where you started and repeating a vicious cycle.So if you're serious about living your life offline i'll be in your inbox tomorrow with what you'll need on top of desire in order to successfully live without social media. Greater presence, peace, fulfillment and SO MUCH MORE lies on the other side of this tough yet rewarding x1000 decision, and it could be right around the corner for you! Seeya tomorrow,xxCarly BurrSo since you have the desire to become the best you throughout your life, lets cover what else is required to live without sociaWhat else is required to live without social media? Fulfilling your needs that you’re getting from social elsewhere, offline. To dedicate yourself to personal growth and development for life. With such a lens you’ll be more likely to stay focused on your goal and missing out on who you can become that the draw of going back o social media won’t be strong enough to pull you back in.Once you begin Want to know what else is required? I’ll be sending you tomorrow what you need to success in successfully staying offline Your relationship with social media may be rocky, Your desire for more peace, contentment etc means that living off of social meYES you have what it takes there's no doubt about that. However in order to stay offline, theres someting crutial that can be the difference between succesffuy staying off vs ending right back up where you started and repeating a viscious cycle.