You’re a Ponderer. You are someone who fiercely and intentionally guards her heart. Once you process your emotions you then can embrace wisdom.
Three tips for processing your emotions when you can't seem to think straight:1. Prayer Prayer can reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity. Setting aside the same time every day, before you study, can calm your nervous system, rewire neural pathways and set you up to get the most out of this beautiful sacred text.Here is a simple way to introduce prayer into your daily life.Find a quiet place and set aside the same time every day. Phone on mute!light a candle or some incense, create a personal ritual.it’s just you and the Divine here. 2. Choose one portion of Scripture to focus on for 30 days.Download these free lock screens on wisdom promises found in James to keep your mind on God's promises every time you pick up your phone!3. Join our online communityCommunity is everything when walking a faith-based path. Yes, you are on a deeply personal walk but you are also called to commune with others in Love, as brothers and sisters.Let me introduce myself!I’ve made it my life’s work to simplify the Bible: I’m here to show you how to apply Scripture to YOUR life!Yep, you heard right — the Bible can give you insight into your unique struggles and circumstances. I have given hundreds of people the guidance they need to live more fully in the Word of God. Think you could use a little extra support? 🙌 Together, we’ve got this 🙌Looking for a few more resources? Fill up on these...P.S. Expect to see me in your inbox, weekly, with insights and support for your spiritual journey.