Yellow-Light Boundary
CAUTION?Yellow-light people need cautious boundaries. They are hot and cold. Somedays they respond to your needs, and other days they talk about you behind your back. They mgiht not harm you or others on purpose, but they are people whom the Bible calls fools because they blame their circumstances around them rather than owning their participation in the problem. These people are repentant at times and many do not overtly try to hurt us, but they are inconsistent and cannot be fully trusted. Similar to a yellow light in traffic, we slow down and are cautious. Keep your boundaries clear and do not let them into your inner circle. (excerpt from Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace.) You can still keep this person in your life, but expect inconsistency and do not give them all of your time, energy, and resources. Serve them. Encourage them. Pray for them. But don't give them your pearls. The good news is that people can grow and change. Look for changed behaviors over time and consistency, not just words, before softening your boundaries. Consider reading my book "Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace" and "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud.