Your estrogen needs balancing!
You've shown incredible resilience, my friend. Standing firm against these symptoms, you've been a true fighter in tough times. Dealing with difficult hormonal issues can be overwhelming, but your strength is admirable.You're super honest and open about your symptoms and you trust your body as a teacher and a guide. A big part of hormonal imbalances is how it affects your quality of life both physically and emotionally. You’ve taken the first step to getting more information and knowledge is power!Estrogen is our friend until it isn't! It's like your crazy, wild Aunt that is so much fun and energetic, but she needs to be tamed down sometimes. Estrogen has SO MANY benefits for our body including our bones, brain, heart, metabolism, insulin, muscle, etc., but when it's not in the right amount, the symptoms are noticeable. High estrogen (or high estrogen in relation to progesterone), can cause:Heavy periodsCrampingClottingPMS symptoms galore such as bloating, breast tenderness, water retention, and weight gain before our periodIrritability or rageWeight gain in the hips, butt and thigh areasCysts, fibroids, polypsFibrocystic breastsWhat if I told you there are well researched, actionable steps to better health?🎯Here Are 3 Tools to Get Started with Hormone Balancing.🎯1. EAT MORE PROTEIN! Protein helps to balance blood sugar. It'll make you feel more full after you eat, have less sugar cravings, have stable energy throughout the day, build and maintain lean muscle mass, help your hormones and so much more! Protein is the building block of our body!Remember, hormones act as messengers, traveling through the bloodstream to target tissues and determining how your body functions. Moods, sleep, appetite, growth, metabolism, sexual function, and reproduction are all a function of hormonal balance. Therefore, it’s essential for hormone levels to be in proper balance.There’s a tendency to think that unless you’re a menopausal woman or maybe having trouble conceiving that our hormones aren't to be blamed. Hormones are a big part of how your system functions!Health is happiness, and vice versa! 2. Calming the nervous systemThe essential first step of balancing stress hormones is catching our thoughts in the act. After having been on a mission for the past decade to find out how to "manage stress," I've realized it's not the STRESSORS that are the problem. It's our perception of them. If you're someone who is a people pleaser, type A, perfectionist and or catastrophizer, this is something you'll need to focus on. When we have these personality characteristics, that's the lens at which we view life through. When our brain constantly feels like it needs to be "on," waiting for the next shoe to drop or always feels stressed, anxious and overwhelmed, it helps to cope by producing stress chemicals AND fueling that stress response with blood sugar therefore impacting, INSULIN!Catch your thoughts in the act. Ask yourself if these thoughts are based on facts and truth. Self awareness is a great place to start changing your mindset and peeling the layers off the onion.Listen to The Ali Damron Show Podcast to find lots of episodes specifically for healing mindset and calming your nervous system.This is the first pillar in Heal Your Hormones Masterclass. 3. Move your body.Moving our body and building lean muscle mass helps to balance blood sugar. Aim for more steps than you're currently getting if you're below 10k steps per day (on average). Also, doing up some resistance training a couple times a week will significantly help balance all your hormones!Simplified Coaching For Balanced Hormones!... 🌱Hello friend! I'm Ali Damron. I’m an acupuncturist, women’s health hormone specialist, personal trainer and a boy mom.I've been where you are, going practitioner to practitioner trying to figure out why I had so many weird ailments leaving defeated so many times! I developed challenging stress/hormonal issues after my kids were born. That led me to seek for answers. Not one to ever give up having the best quality of life I could, I began discovering how hormone imbalances and stress were at the bottom of many chronic conditions.After years of experimenting on myself I’m thrilled to report I have developed effective ways to get you feeling fantastic. I’ve been able to live my best life as a mom, a wife, and thriving practitioner helping women just like you.Through workshops, digital courses, and 1-on-1 sessions, I've helped 1,000s of people find more happiness and vitality. My specialty is helping people with hormone related symptoms improve their quality of life.If you're struggling with your hormones, it's my intention that this work helps you to feel healthy, strong, and happy. 🍏💗 💖 Tune In With these Resources!👇💖Tune in to The Ali Damron Show Podcast. You'll learn my easy to understand healing tricks to feel better fast. I share several of the secret tools I've held close for the last decade. 😉 Let me figure out the science so you can thrive.Go to the full, on-demand training, "How To Balance Your Hormones for Better Moods, Sleep, Periods and Energy Levels. In this exclusive 1-hour training, you'll uncover the hidden truths behind hormonal imbalances and learn proven strategies to regain control of your health and well-being. Get the full picture of what your body is desperately trying to tell you. Having a road map to health takes all the guess-work out of it.Sign up now for instant access and embark on a journey towards balanced hormones and a vibrant life. CLICK HERE!OH WAIT, there’s more...Check your email! I'll be sharing more healing tips with you over the next several days, so you can get inspired. 🌻✨For many of my students, health concerns and frustrating symptoms that impacted quality of life were the catalyst to dive deep into healing all aspects of their life.If you are struggling with physical, emotional, or mental health… chances are that a tailor made hormone balancing protocol will start you out positively transforming all areas of your life. 🌈 Here's to healing, body, mind, and soul! 🧘🏽