The summation of the ALL brings with it a flow-through frequency that births as co-creation. Recognising the interconnectedness of all things and the realisation that you are always supported, allows ease within this level of unity. If the ALL-unity frequency has come to support you, it can be a sign that you are not trusting life or your own process. When there is a tendency to overcontrol or feel the need to overdo things to assure outcomes, it becomes very depleting to your energy, especially over time. We have been programmed to believe that if we want anything done, we have to do it ourselves and this couldn’t be farther from the truth!
We are a collective for a reason and that is so we can support each other., as well as learn to navigate the dynamics of being in a range of different relationships. This helps us to understand others better and more easily come back to our true heart frequency of acceptance and tolerance, unconditional love and forgiveness. These are key to unlocking the higher dimensional realities.
The ALL frequency of the universe is also here to support you always, however there needs to be space for cocreation to occur. When your schedule is overfull, again there is no room for additional inspiration and flow. Source energy is always around sharing inspiration and insight, in fact, within ALL experiences there are keys to support you traversing your higher timeline, if you are open to it. Your practice to support you in accessing unity consciousness and what else is possible for you is to take a seat somewhere and connect into your energy layers within you and all the way around you. Feel into how it is feeling or any other awareness that is there for you. As you breathe deeply and gently, with each in breath feel into the expansion and each outbreath a letting go and softening of the edges, so that on your next in breath you can expand even further. Continue to do this until your energy encompasses the entire world. In this expansive state, reflect on your life over the different avenues and ask yourself, is there room for co-creation in my world or am I doing too much of the heavy lifting on my own? Stay open to receive the wisdom of your higher self and await the insight to arrive. Know that you know what is in your highest and best.