Recognizing Trauma Traits

This quiz is designed to help you reflect on your experiences and behaviors that may be indicative of trauma traits. Answer each question honestly, choosing the option that best represents how frequently you feel or behave in the mentioned way. Your responses will help identify if some of the behaviors and characteristics you've chalked up to "this is just how I am" might actually be trauma traits influencing your daily life. By recognizing these patterns, you can begin to understand how trauma may be playing a role in your relationships, your reactions to stress, and your overall emotional well-being.It’s important to remember, though, that this quiz is for self-reflection and is not intended to provide a clinical diagnosis. The goal here is to offer you insights and a starting point for further exploration of your experiences. Whether you find that you have a low, moderate, high, or very high presence of trauma traits, this understanding can be a powerful step toward healing and growth.Let this quiz be a gentle guide on your journey of self-discovery, and may it open doors to deeper self-awareness and compassion. Remember, recognizing these traits is a sign of strength and the first step towards empowering yourself to seek the support and resources you may need.

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