Congratulations! You've got the right foundation. Now let's build on it...
So, based on your quiz results, your recommended journey begins with Milestone 2: Overcoming Credit Barriers. This six-month group coaching program is all about diving deeper into financial management. You'll explore topics like understanding your credit score, managing debt effectively, and implementing savvy savings strategies. Plus, as part of this milestone, you'll have access to credit repair support at no extra cost. Get ready to take control of your financial health like never before!3 Benefits of Joining This Program1. Deeper Understanding: This milestone offers a deeper understanding of wealth management principles, including credit score management, debt mastery, and strategic savings, equipping you with the tools to navigate complex financial situations.2. Long-Term Stability: By mastering debt management & implementing strategic savings approaches, you'll establish a foundation for long-term financial stability and security for you & those that depend on you.3. Financial Empowerment: As you progress through this phase, you'll experience a sense of financial empowerment, knowing that you have the knowledge and skills to take control of your financial future and build wealth over time."Debt is like any other trap, easy enough to get into, but hard enough to get out of." - Josh BillingsHi! I'm Angela Brock.I’m a certified financial coach who's helped hundreds of clients transform their mindsets and spending habits to reach their financial goals.No matter where you are financially right now, I give you the tools you need to become more financially literate, save more money, live the life you desire, and finally get rid of some of that money stress!You are ready to transform your financial situation but don't really know how. Whether you're just getting started or restarting (yet) again to gain control over your finances, rest assured that with Hello Breakthrough, you'll receive personalized guidance and support every step of the way.